Chapter 99 Recreation of ancient sorcery


The moment Kane left my study, I ran to the dungeon at once. I wasted no time, and the moment I reached the man’s cell, I held the small crest in front of the bars.


“What is this?” I demanded, my voice surging with power.

The imposter’s face paled, but he shook his head swiftly.

“That… that isn’t mine,” he insisted. “I don’t know why you think it belongs to

“It was found on your person, was it not?” I retorted, and then I took a step forward. “Dark Abyss, right?”


When the man remained silent, I continued on.

“Is your name really Spi ke Nox?” I asked him directly.

The imposter refused to answer the question but followed up with one of his

“Have you considered my offer, young Alpha?” he wondered. “The one I gave you yesterday? Information about your beloved Cora Felix in exchange for my freedom?”

“You aren’t in any sort of position to bargain,” I seethed as I shook my head. “Besides, that’ll never happen. You were involved in her death. I’d never grant you freedom. You can rot in that cell for the rest of your life for all I care.”

The man frowned. “I meant what I said yesterday. I will help you find the true murderer-”

“There’s no need,” I interrupted him. Because I would find it out eventually. Now

If she wanted revenge, I would deliver it for her. If she didn’t

remain silent.

came to Ca ssandra, I’d do whatever she

man suddenly looked panicked. He was probably baffled by

have other things I can tell you,” he insisted as he gripped

you have to offer is worth

man said. “But I need you

around suspiciously, as if

my life,” he said in a hushed tone. “I need you to ensure my safety. In exchange, I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I need a safer place to stay. This cell isn’t safe.”

frowned. “This dungeon is one of the safest places in Anemond. No one is going to get to you down here, not without my express permission.”

imprisonment, the man looked scared. He didn’t seem to


fear? An idea came to

he frowned, I spoke again. “The man who wanted

don’t know who the one is,” the man said. “I was always masked when I saw him. But I know that he would try to kill me if I confessed everything I knew to

him I’m afraid of.”


he talking about? Half of the sentences and phrases that poured from his mouth

Was he insane?

proceed. I could always walk away and regroup, but I

him. “Can I call you

The man nodded.

I decided, and I crossed my arms against my chest. “But before you get to

of the dungeon, as if he were afraid of someone eavesdropping. Nearly a minute later, he nodded

he explained. “It’s a small Pack, one that few know about, with a group of talented individuals who worship

have you heard of Ewonmiams, the most famous

“Yes, I’m familiar.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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