Chapter 125 Must be mistake
The moment I stared into Silas Moses’ beautiful golden eyes, I knew something
was wrong.
I couldn’t explain it, but there was a warmth, an urge in my body that was almost electric. It was an intense yearning unlike anything I’d ever felt before, and the sensation was almost enough to bring me to my knees.
What was this primal feeling within me?
All was answered, though, when Silas wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest. The moment the growl came from his mouth, I knew it in my
“Mate,” he practically snarled.
Everything was so clear now.
My heart raced so quickly that it felt almost as if it was going to leap from my chest at any moment, and that feeling only grew worse when I heard that word. This
all felt so unreal.
Mates- true, fated mates, were rare. I knew it just as well as anyone in Wegalla. Though I’d always hoped to find my mate, I knew it was s tupid to cling to such an
unrealistic dream.
But now, it was more than just a dream. It was a reality.
My fated mate had finally revealed himself to be Silas Moses, the Beta of the Crescent Pack.
I didn’t know what to do as we stared into each other’s eyes. What could I say to such a gorgeous man like him? Though I knew realistically, he was a total stranger, it was as if my soul had always known him.

Before I could say a word, he drew me closer to him, and he embraced me tightly. He was quite tall, but as we hugged, it was as if our bodies were made to fit together. His scent was warm, like cin namon and cloves, and as it filled my nose, I felt somehow, like I was home.
The tender moment between us was interrupted when I heard someone clear their throat beyond us. Suddenly, my cheeks grew hot, and I began to break out in a
nervous sweat.
“Can you please let me go?” I requested as politely as possible.
Silas took his sweet time, but finally, after a few breaths, he released me. He took a step back, but not a large one, so he was still in close proximity to me.
The Alpha King suddenly cut through the crowd and approached us. I bowed in respect as the warmth on my face grew stronger. Surely, I looked like a pink-faced
fool in front of the whole Pack. And at my first celebration, too!
I tried to look for Cas sy, but she was nowhere to be seen.
The Alpha King smiled at us, and then his serious gray eyes fell on Silas.
“Silas,” he greeted his brother-in-law warmly. “How wonderful it is to see you. And even more wonderful that the Pack’s Beta has
found his mate.”
This time, Silas’ cheeks began to redden, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, his father, Oliver Moses stepped in. His hazel eyes were furious and his nostrils flared in clear agitation.
“There must be some mistake,” the older man said sternly, and his sudden glance at me felt so intentionally spiteful that I almost shrank back in fear.
We stared at one another, and I couldn’t help but shiver. He was so sullen and angry, but I couldn’t understand why. I’d never spoken to him before, nor had 1
anything to do with any of this. I hadn’t planned to be Silas’ mate.
Oliver spoke again, this time with more disgust in his tone. “Silas couldn’t have
a mate like her.”
My heart suddenly felt cold, and I turned to look at Silas. He was staring at me too, yet he didn’t say a word.
The silence felt like it lasted an eternity, until finally, Oliver gestured forward.
“You will come with me,” he said quietly to his son.
Silas lingered for a moment and then gave me one last look before he nodded. and followed his father. The crowd parted to make way for them, and as they disappeared to a different part of the room, my stomach twisted into knots.
I felt ashamed somehow. I didn’t understand what I had to feel so bad about,
but I couldn’t help but notice how the upper-class werewolves stared at me with condescending eyes. I remained frozen in place and didn’t move until Cas sandra finally appeared.
“Becky,” she breathed, and she gently grabbed my hand. “Are you okay?”
I nodded and gave her a tiny, panicked smile. “I… I think so.”
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered just low enough for us to hear. “Do you want.
I took a few long, deep breaths, and considered her offer for a moment, but I
shook my head.
“No,” I decided, and I gave her a genuine smile. “I didn’t come here because ! dreamt of finding a mate. I’m here to enjoy the party and get away from my mother and her sickness for an evening. I’m not going to run away. I’m here to have a good time with you. We deserve it.”
“Yes we do,” Cas sandra agreed. Her pretty emerald eyes glittered, and she squeezed my hand. “Come on. Let’s have a good night. We can worry about the rest
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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