Chapter 166 Strange unease
I sensed a strange unease in my heart, restlessness and exhaustion creeping in that I didn’t know how to curb. Perhaps it was due to Asher’s absence from Anemond, or maybe it had stemmed from Kane’s strange behavior from the day before. The words he’d uttered to me were ambiguous and set me on edge in a way I couldn’t explain.
Asher’s stepbrother had told me that I hadn’t changed much, which at the time had caused my heart to sk ip a beat in panic.
What did that really mean?
And why had he said such a thing to me in private?
While Kane had attempted to explain that many people changed considerably after attaining a significant position in Anemond, such as that of a royal healer, his reasoning didn’t quite convince me.
I could sense that he was hinting at something else, yet I couldn’t decipher or make sense of his true intent. Was it possible that he could know something about me, that he could know who I’d been in the past? The idea startled and scared me; after all, I’d never been particularly close to Kane.
During our childhood, I had spent most of my time and days with Asher, while Kane had seemed like a distant figure. He’d always been Asher’s brother and little more. We might have exchanged a few words occasionally and made a few niceties here and then, but nothing significant lingered in my memories of the past. As we’d grown older, we became little more than strangers, since my attention was solely focused on Asher.
Yet, a nagging possibility haunted my mind.
Could Kane Collins have somehow uncovered something about me?

I knew he was astute. Margaret had once foolishly insisted and campaigned amongst others that her son could ascend to the throne and rule over Wegalla, and I was certain it wasn’t for nothing.
If Kane had information about my past, why hadn’t he brought it up directly? And why did he regard me with that uncomfortable gaze? His violet eyes were beautiful, but there was something in them that made chills run down my spine. It was as if he knew something he didn’t want to share, a joke or conspiracy that belonged to him and him alone.
Was Asher’s brother planning something devious?
Though I didn’t want to suspect him, especially considering how much the Alpha King trusted him, it was odd that Kane offered me company yet only spoke so ambiguously.
Encounters with him often left me confused and nervous, which only hurt my m ental state. I was under so much stress with the clinic, the poison, and the mysterious disease already. Did I now have to fear Kane Collins in the same way that I did his mother and the rest of the people in Merliscire who didn’t want me around?
Just as I started to drown in my sea of thoughts, a voice interrupted my descent into worry.
“Cas sandra?” Erika tried to get my attention. “Ca ssandra?”
I blinked a few times and then met the maid’s worried gaze. For a moment, I couldn’t formulate a reply and simply stared back at her until she spoke again.
“Cas sandra, honey, you’ve been staring at those boxes for ten minutes now,” she said gently, and her big blue eyes were full of concern. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
At once I remembered my purpose in the room, and embarrassment flooded through me. I had come into the medical supply room in the clinic to retrieve a heartbeat monitor and meant to return to my patient shortly after.
“Sorry,” I uttered quietly, and heat spread through my face.
“This isn’t like you,” Erika said as she walked toward me. “You’re usually more professional when it comes to a patient needing attention. Do you need some help?”
Though her words could have been construed as harsh, I knew her well enough. to know that that wasn’t the case.
“I’m alright,” I assured her, and I forced an apologetic smile as I tucked a loose strand of hair back into my bun. “Thank you for offering, Erika.”
She nodded but continued to study me.
“Is this about the king?” she wondered as she took a step toward me. I’d off-handedly mentioned to her that Asher was leaving the capital for a brief, unknown reason, but she hadn’t asked too many questions. “Are you worried about him?”
“A little,” I admitted. “But I know he’ll be alright.”
Asher had mentioned a three-day return upon his departure, which was nothing compared to the five years we’d spent apart. If I could handle that, I could handle this.
Besides, it was his brother I was more anxious about.
I managed to snap out of my daze and continued about my business as usual. It was yet another busy day with plenty of patients requiring assistance.
There were a few with minor injuries along with a few dealing with colds or instances of seasonal allergies. I administered medicine, and herbs, and even had to stitch up the knee of a young girl who had taken a tumble in the district not too far from here.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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