Chapter 183 Raid


When I arrived at the clinic, Erika appeared to be a bit exhausted. Her eyes were slightly vacant and were underlined with deep circles. Her skin–normally a nice, creamy shade of tan, was pale, and her hair was in a slight bit of disarray.

“Erika,” I greeted her, my tone laced with concern. “What’s happened? Are you okay?”

The maid released a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose before responding. “I’m alright, Becky. It’s just been a busy morning and Cassandra hasn’t returned. She left at dawn to take care of some business, but she hasn’t come back. Normally, she isn’t gone this long.”


I frowned as her words set in. “That is strange. Do you know where she went?”

Erika shook her head. “She didn’t say. She just asked me if I could keep an eye on Finnick and get him ready for the day. And then she mentioned that she wanted to get everything done early today because the Alpha King is going to return to Anemond this afternoon.

I knew at once that Cassandra was likely visiting the dungeon and checking with Spike, the sorcerer working on the cure to the mysterious illness.

“Maybe there was something important they discovered and she’s been delayed,” I suggested.

Erika nodded thoughtfully and then gave me a small, meek smile. “I’m sure you’re right. You know me, Becky. I’m just prone to worry, especially when Cassandra is involved.”

Just as I opened my mouth to respond, the clinic door flew open, and a group of heavily armed guards rushed into the lobby. They were not guards from the palace, as I could tell from their uniforms and the badges on their shoulders. The symbol was foreign to me, and their expressions were far too fearsome for normal guards.

“Where is the son of Healer Cassandra?” one of them demanded in a deep voice. His tone was extremely impolite and his lips were curled into a snarl. “She wishes to see him, so we must take him with us.”

I quickly exchanged a glance with Erika, who seemed equally concerned by the guard’s strange tone and request. Something wasn’t right here.

Erika spoke up boldly, and she raised her chin slightly to show she wasn’t

seem phased by her reply, and he didn’t offer one in response. Instead,

as I spotted Finnick on the landing. The boy’s gray eyes stared down at us curiously, and his head tilted to the

Chapter 183 Raid

in his direction and then inclined my head upward. I tried to mouth the words “Go upstairs

guard sprang into action, and when we tried to step in front of him, he shoved us aside. I managed to steady Erika before she slipped

his round eyes and

he was in the lobby, he ran right in front of Erika and faced the guard with a fearsome glare. “Don’t

held him tightly and gave the guard a similar look of anger as

to bring her son to her” the guard repeated as

do that. She would come here herself to grab Finnick. So, what do you really want

reply to my question and instead made

my duty,” he stated. “Do

other guards, who nodded back at him. Before I could understand the meaning of

into knots and I felt

“I don’t want to make a further

leaned in closer, I saw his badge clearly

to the

seen it at

stared back and the guard with fury in my mind. “Does Silas

question either, Instead, he turned to the other guards behind him and waved his hand. “Take the child away!”

them off, but Erika took a step forward.

to take this child, you’ll have to take me too,” she

guards stood frozen for a moment and then glanced at one another. Finally after a second of hesitation, the lead guard gave

Chapter 183 Raid

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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