Chapter 190 History



I wasn’t sure what kind of game Kaleb was playing, but from the moment I agreed to hear his story, his mocking and arrogant demeanor shifted to that of a much kinder gentleman. It was as if he slipped his old mask back on and was the strange yet charming foreign king I’d first encountered in the market of Anemond.

As we walked back to Merliscire, he walked alongside me, and his guards lingered about ten feet back to give us some privacy. While my guard was still up around the trio from Yurene, I had a strong feeling that Kaleb was behaving somewhat genuinely.

When we finally reached the palace, my heart began to race in anticipation, but then the king turned to me and cleared his throat.

“Before we get on with this, I will take you to see Erika and Finnick,” he announced, and he gestured to the corridor before us. “So you know that I am being true to my word.”

My lips parted in surprise and my voice caught in my throat, so I simply nodded in response.

He then led me to a door at the end of the corridor, which was flanked by a few tall, muscular guards. They bowed to Kaleb in respect and after he flicked his hand, they parted and allowed us to enter the room.

I steeled myself for a terrible sight, but much to my surprise, Erika and Finnick were seated on a large, plush couch. The curtains were drawn open and sunlight flooded the room.

“Mommy!” Finnick exclaimed happily and he rushed over to me and threw his arms around me. “Mommy, you’re okay!”

I intercepted him gladly and drew him close. “Hi, baby. Yes, I’m okay. Are you alright?”

We stood there for a moment and then Finnick pulled away.

“We’re okay,” he said with a nod, and his gray eyes were serious as they stared into mine. “Auntie Erika and I have been sitting on this nice couch. She’s been telling me stories.”

and then I turned back to Finnick. “Finnick, I have some things I have to do, but I’ll see you really soon, alright? Be good

last glance,

the door was closed and the guards stepped back into place. “Safe

remained silent as the Northern king led me to another room. Though I’d told


Chapter 190 History

fine, I wasn’t so certain

set of Northern guards served us some tea, they stood aside and turned their attention to the door. I held the cup in my hands but didn’t sip.

after I nodded, he

my nerves, but I was quickly proven wrong. In fact, he began to speak about something that I

stole the fruit from the leader of the Ewonmiams. He

why the Ewonmiams were an

king had covered up their existence and wiped them from history.

he spoke, I wished I had paid more attention to the history classes I’d taken in my youth, or at least had taken more time to read through that dusted book I’d found in the secret room of the royal library so I knew enough to refute

it a coincidence that the founding of Wegalla and the demise of Ewonmiams happened nearly at the same

named themselves Dark Abyss. Their motivation was revenge on the people who had forsaken them and cast them into the darkness, but they were not as powerful as they had been in the old days, so they started to look for collaborators who could help

“The former

lips. “I’m confused. I thought there was

Abyss. As soon as Dark Abyss made their move and revealed themselves from their hiding


die,” he replied. “But soon, it became a greater dispute due to the magic Dark Abyss possessed. Wegalla and

head in confusion. “But that would be

Chapter 190 History

when it was strictly prohibited in

not utilize the power and just kill all the sorcerors, as was its initial plan,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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