Chapter 192 The second story


At the mention of my family name, I clenched my palms around the arms of my chair until it hurt.


My heart sank when I heard my true surname. My mind immediately flew to my father and brother, and as their images flashed through my memory, sorrow bloomed within me. I missed them more and more with each passing day, and the heartache haunted me in my dreams.

But despite the fear that plagued me in anticipation, I managed to stay calm. Luckily for me, Kaleb didn’t seem to notice my stiffness and the king of Yurene carried on in a disgustingly light tone.

“Well, in case you didn’t know much about the so–called loyal warrior family, I’ll tell you a little bit about them,” he began, and then he let out a small sigh. “The Felixes were rather famous for their loyalty to the King of Wegalla as well as their capability. It was said that the leader of the Felix clan was considered a ‘god of war” and the watchdog of Wegalla’s royal power. From what I’ve heard about Darrin and Ector Felix, they were quite strong.”

I remained silent when Kaleb was introducing this backstory I wanted to stop him but I couldn’t because I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, screaming and shrieking wou d tumble out. I

I wasn’t certain if the arrogant Northern king knew my true identity, but I assumed by his expression that he didn’t. The identities of my father and brother were spoken about too lightly to suggest he knew the truth, On the one hand, I hated it, but on the other, I realized it was the first time I’d heard my father and brother’s names after all of these years.

Asher and Erika did their best to avoid talking about anything relating to my past.

The way Kaleb described them was like he was talking about some heroic models, which was surprising. given their shift in reputation post–accusation.

But then, a moment later, Kaleb commented on the accusation, and I fought to not release a sigh.

“Do you believe that the Felixes wanted to kill the Betas?” he asked, and I was a little confused. Why would he ask a plain healer from a small Pack on the border what I thought when I was so far from the core of this incident?

at least Cassandra Keller was, of course.

much about it,” I replied, and I shrugged for

figured it would have been breaking news



192 The second story.

I didn’t know much of the details,” I tried to explain,

seemed satisfied by that answer and nodded his head thoughtfully. He ran a hand through his long golden–brown hair and then returned his

remarked. “Wegalla seems to have buried this and prevented their citizens from speaking about it ever since the conviction was settled. But do you truly

my throat as I fought to find an answer he would

father, who had devoted his entire life to the

head. “I don’t know.”

eyes narrowed and he released

question it. They

want to continue this topic. It was too hard to hear about my family members, even if the Northern king seemed to regard

and let him

they seem to get all of the good things, but when the power disappears… nothing is left and nobody is on their

hurtfully true. I remembered back in those days, after the accusation that tore my family apart, everyone shifted their opinions. My family had once

this,” I said with a slight sigh of my own:

in politics, Cassandra, either consciously or subconsciously.

even though my breath wavered.

which everyone believed to be between the Beta and the Felixes was actually directed by the former Alpha King. He was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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