Chapter 194 What has your family done?


I held the handset tightly but nearly dropped it on the ground as my fingers twitched. I was shaking like. mad with nervousness, and I forced myself to take a deep breath to grow steady.

I wasn’t happy to make this call, but I knew I had to do as Cassandra wished. Her instructions were clear and I wasn’t going to risk things falling apart because I was too scared to function.

When I’d placed the phone call, I’d been put on hold and then finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting. I heard a voice on the other end.

“This is Alpha Rayden,” he announced himself in a kind but firm tone. “With whom am I speaking?”

I took a second to clear my throat and then spoke. “Alpha Rayden, this is Becky, the healer’s assistant from Anemond.”

“Becky,” Rayden greeted me in surprise, and his tone grew more casual. “How good to hear from you. I hope you’re well. Is everything alright?”

“I’m well for the most part, but things are… amiss, to say the least,” I began. “There’s some trouble here in Anemond and I need your help. Cassandra asked me to call you.”

“Trouble,” he repeated back. “What’s going on?”

I managed to stay calm and be succinct as I explained the situation to the Alpha of Wild Crawler. He remained silent the entire time and only spoke after I asked if he would come to Merliscire.

“I will leave for Anemond at once,” he said in a voice that was underscored with anger. “Becky, was it the King of Yurene that took Cassandra?”

His fury made it sound as if he wanted to go right to Kaleb and kill him, and while I felt the same way, I knew this wasn’t the way to go about this.

“Yes,” I said cautiously. “But she was insistent that we remain calm about this. I know you want to help, but I think you should stay in Wild Crawler right now. You need to let your Pack members know that the water in the river has been contaminated.”

Rayden fell silent again, and before I could say something more, I heard a heavy bump on the other end of the line.

“What about Cassandra?” the Alpha spoke again.

“She’s tough,” I assured him gently. “And not to mention, quite gallant. You know her. She’s more. intelligent than most. I think she can figure out a resolution.”


Chapter 194 What has your family done?

As the thought escaped me, I finally found some truth in my statement. Cassandra had insisted that she could handle herself and emphasized that our scientific research was of the utmost importance. We needed to continue developing the cure for the mysterious illness. It was crucial for the ailing citizens of Wegalla for us to

do so.

let Cassandra down.

but I’m worried,” Rayden countered, and he released a

the conversation could escalate. “But we can’t interfere, Rayden. Any reckless move on our part could endanger her further. The king of Yurene is

out another heavy exhale. “Okay. You’re right, Becky. I’ll arrange a troop of well–trained guards at once

gratefully. “I’m going to do my best to

my mind, and I paused for a moment before

make another request?” I wondered. “Would it be possible to send Healer

Rayden repeated back

healer with a solid foundation in the medical field. Since Cassandra is gone, I could use some help, and the process would go much smoother with him here. I know it’s a

but I knew it was the right decision. All I cared about now was to invent

replied without missing a beat. “Is there anything


he said, and then he

a moment to collect myself and then got back to work. First, I checked on our current patients, and then I went to check on Lord Kane. The Alpha King’s stepbrother was still fast asleep, much to my relief, so I made sure to remain quiet so

eye on the clinic while I went to the lab. She appeared completely terrified, and when I asked what was wrong,


194 What has your family done?

rooms upstairs when I heard all of the noise. I should have


out and touched her arm. I didn’t blame her for her actions. It was perfectly reasonable for her to react that way. Anyone else would have done

Hannah,” I assured her. “It’s not your fault. Take a deep breath and collect yourself. Then head into

was okay, I left the

to reorganize Spike’s research and reports.

amount of concentration and effort, and I was completely absorbed in the

I called

door opened and she stepped into the room. “Someone is here, Miss

I asked

replied, and then she forced down a gulp. “He’s very tall and muscular, and his

knitted together and my heart skipped a beat. I immediately wondered

my research and followed the maid out into the hallway. When I came out of the lab, I

for a

he doing here?

a good look at him. The Beta appeared exhausted,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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