Chapter 200 On the road

When I woke up, I was in a car.

I waited for my vision to focus, and when it did, I realized I was lying in the back seat. In the front, I heard the driver of the vehicle talking with Kaleb, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat.

“The rain is too heavy, Your Majesty,” the driver said in a heavily accented

voice. “It would be too risky to drive forward. The conditions are simply too poor. I recommend that we find somewhere to take a pause and wait out the weather.”

The king of Yurene didn’t seem to be convinced by what the driver said. He

remained silent and stared ahead.

Silence lingered in the air for a moment, and then the driver cleared his throat and started the vehicle again.

It began to move forward, but quickly, the tire seemed to hit a pretty severe pothole and the car lurched. As it bumped, my head bonked against the door, and before I could stop myself, I released a heavy groan.

Kaleb whipped around at the sudden sound, and when our eyes met, a chill traveled through me. A smile formed on his full lips, and I wanted nothing more than to escape this situation. I was prey being cornered by a predator. I felt it now more

than ever.


“So, you’re finally awake, Miss Ca ss andra,” he noted with a somewhat mocking

Though I wanted to ignore the Northern king entirely, I nodded my head meekly. I knew my cooperation would only ensure my survival, so I needed to play along and do whatever, I could to stay alive..

Chapter 200 On the road

As I tried to make sense of it all, I realized I’d been drugged. I hadn’t expected that, though I knew it wasn’t all that surprising, given Kaleb’s sketchiness and overall dark vibes.

I was angry at the situation, but I couldn’t remain in a bad mood for long. Being angry at this point was useless. It wouldn’t save me, and it wouldn’t save Asher, Erika, or Finnick from meeting a terrible fate.

the forest. The heavy, swirling mist around us eclipsed my vision, but I could tell

was mild. My apologies for the situation, but I needed to do something, you see. At the very least, I

head where I’d slammed against the inside of the car.

course,” Kaleb replied with a


longer had his attention, I

there were several cars following behind us, and one car ahead leading the way. Our car came to a light stop, and when it

our vehicle. I recognized them at once to be guards, and although one

rolled down the window and addressed

reorganize,” he ordered in a firm



10.47 Sat,

On the

nodded immediately and offered a salute. He and the two other guards took off

the guard who’d spoken to the Northern King

and cleared his throat.

house not too far from here,”

turned to the driver and

a knot formed in my stomach. I had no

two rooms and a parlor in

the guards after we walked in, and I shivered

the foreign king noted when he turned back to me and his navy eyes flashed. “You can


about the people in the other cars?” I wondered as I glanced out the window. I supposed the others were diplomats or

were soaked and covered in mud because I had fallen when I’d been let





The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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