Chapter 206
Wegalla was a tough nut to cr ack.
This diplomatic visit hadn’t yielded any beneficial results, and as sat at the head of the table in the formal meeting room of Vlokwell’s palace, I wanted to slam my head into the pale white wood furniture
The voices of the diplomats in the room melded together, and the grating sound of their complaints and agitations was almost enough to make me want to leave this meeting entirely. For the most part. I didn’t mind being the king of Yurene. but at times like this, I loathed it entirely. The monarchy was full of trivial matters like these, and I hated any instance that pointed out my shortcomings.
As I sat there with my head pounding in agony from the sheer exhaustion of the trip, the diplomats complained about the shrewd councilors in Wegalla. Their glances often veered toward me while making their reports and justifying their failure to secure an agreement advantageous to our country.
As much as I regarded Asher Collins as weak, I had to admit that the Alpha King of Wegalla possessed talents für superior to these foolish diplomats. He was smart, cunning, and utterly brave when it came to the functions of his country. While he had not been trusting of me, I couldn’t blame him completely.
These diplomats, though I wanted to snap and remind them of their inadequacy, but instead. I considered that sometimes fools had their uses. Fools required nothing more than a little manipulation. They were easily manipulated, and if I wanted to be strategic and smart about my next steps. I needed to sway their minds
So, I smiled and cleared my throat, and in the process, Finterrupted the young man who was speaking. When I made the disruptive noise, the poor guy sat back in his chair and forced down a gulp. I knew he had more to say, but even someone as young as he knew better than to speak over their king.
“Thank you for your presentations,” I said loftily to the entire room, making eye contact with each diplomat. I agree with your complaints about the obstinacy of Wegalla’s councilors and would like to thank you for your efforts during our visit to Anemond Considering our long hours of travel. I think it would be best for this meeting to adjourn so everyone can some rest. A welcoming party will be arranged for the following night, as per the traditions of Yurene.
Though the meeting had been rendered inconclusive by my statement, the councilors and diplomats knew their place and seemed relieved to be dismissed. They rose from their seats, and each offered me a fist over their chest in respect. I accepted the gestures from the group, and as they departed from the meeting room, the forced smile left my face

I sat back in my tall, white leather chair and glanced out the tall window beyond me. The sky was brighter here than it had been in Wegalla, and while I’d admired much of their land, there was a strange feeling about being home.
If only I hadn’t spent the first hours of my return locked in such a boring meeting.
Suddenly, a laugh interrupted the newfound silence, and I glanced over to see that Anubis hadn’t left the room. His black eyes bure into mine with an agitating intensity, and I fought the urge to groan
“What I demanded as I rolled my eyes at him. He’d remained silent for the suration of the meeting so I had no idea what he intended to bother me with now.
“Nothing” he said with a mocking gran “I just find interesting, that’s all Thank you for your presentations You couldn’t
out their presentations I could feel your insincerity all the way over there Are you playing the role of a kind
Trused a broavat tum “What are you talking about. Anubis??
just artam
“I’m jou wondering why you will wish to ta thene diplomats he said with an annoyed sigh. You and I both know that
11:44 Fri, Feb 23
Chapter 206
they’re utterly useless and have been since your father was king”
He then lowered his already low voice. “It might be better to have them. taken care of.”
“Taken care of,” I repeated back slowly, and my eyebrow shot up higher. “I don’t think execution is the right course of action. Anubis.”
“All I’m saying is that treason isn’t beneath these fools,” Anubis replied, and his large mouth drew into a thin line of disgust. “They could have allegiance to the Southerners-”
“We both know that the men that were in this room lack the intelligence and ambition for treason, I dismissed him with another eye roll. “That would require them to be forward-thinking, after all.”
“It’s just a precaution,” Anubis countered. “Especially considering the insecurity of your position”
I raised my hand to halt the conversation. “That’s enough. The choice is mine alone, as is my judgment on the matter. I won’t have you telling me what to do.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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