Chapter 210
I stood there in shock for a moment. completely taken aback by Ronald’s sudden display of sorcery. The rose was incredibly beautiful and its petals were the most perfect shade of pink I’d ever seen, but I was so surprised by its sudden blooming that I didn’t know how to react.
The crowd around us suddenly erupted into laughter and applause. Heat spread to my cheeks as I jumped, startled by the sudden raucous, and as I glanced around the banquet hall. I realized that every set of eyes was on me.
My hands began to shake as the court members of Yurene began to comment on the show of magic. I heard a few utter compliments while others mentioned the gesture was romantic
I held the rose in my hand tentatively and tried to examine it closely. It looked so real, and yet. I had doubts in my mind.
How could Ronald use sorcery: Raven had mentioned that he was Kaleb’s younger cousin. So, how could he be a sorcerer?
Amidst the murmurs and chatter around me, I heard Raven grumbling behind me.
“He’s so pretentious, the dark-haired beauty remarked, her deep red lips a thin, pursed line as her bluish-green eyes remained locked on Ronald. “Can you believe this?”
I wanted to talk to her about this, ask questions, and demand an explanation. However, as I prepared to turn around to face her, Ronald spoke up.
“If you do not wish to dance, Miss Cassandra, perhaps you would accompany me on a walk outside!” he suggested in an effortlessly charming voice. “I have something else yo show you.
The moment the idea left his lips, he turned to look at Kaleb, as if he sought approval for spending time with me.
I glanced at the king of Yurene, and when I did, I met his gaze, but his navy blue eyes were difficult to read. He said nothing. but I assumed by his expression that he had granted me some sort of silent permission. I hated the feeling that I could do nothing without the Northern king’s approval, but I knew very well that I was a hostage, not a guest.
I turned back to Ronald and gave him a polite nod. His lips curled into a contented smile, and then he held out his arm to me. I accepted it and after I took a short breath, the tall man escorted me out of the crowded ballroom.
I had no idea what he was about to show me, but at the very least, I was relieved to be away from the Yurenian dancers and their lustful gazes.

Ronald led me outside, and much to my surprise, he led me down a different route than I’d taken when I’d arrived earlier at the banquet hall. I shivered a little as the night breeze danced around me and silently cursed at Kaleb for sending me such a revealing dress.
Soon, we found ourselves in front of a greenhouse. It wasn’t a large space by any means, but it was still a nier one nonetheless. I had never expected a greenhouse in this bleak fortress
Pale blue moonlight glinted off of the thick glass walls, but it wasn’t bright enough to illuminate the space. Darkness cloaked the interior until suddenly, Ronald flicked his wrist, and somehow conjured light.
The moment the greenhouse was lit, I noticed the expanse of lush, fragrant flowers around us. I glanced around, impressed by at all I supposed no one would dislike flowers. Personally, I found them lovely and soothing, though to be honest, I didn’t fam y them partu ularly.
I had heard from my father that my toother used to love flowers, which was why we had a relatively large garden in the hour of Fein. Roses of all colors and varienes, violets, lilies, we had them all. According to Father, Mother had been good at
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Chapter 210
nurturing them.
1, however, had no talent for keeping plants alive, though Ector was rather gifted. He loved being in the dirt. tending to the flowers, carefully preening them with an expert Touch While 1 had desired to be a warrior. Ector had always carried a dream to be a gardener
But it was an impossible dream for a high-rank werewolf. Our social standing wouldn’t allow for Ector to pursue his wants. so he never told our father.
As I thought of my dear, kind brother, my heart ached a bit. If only he could see these beautiful, exotic blooms now.
“I love flowers, Ronald remarked, interrupting the heavy silence. His soft blue eyes twinkled in the light in his hands and he smiled at me warmly “I love planting. It’s the only honest thing in the world, you know?”
I followed him wordlessly through the greenhouse as he spoke. Many of the flowers around us were only half-blossomed. but they were still beautiful.
“Flowers never lie, Ronald remarked strangely. They will only blossom under proper care, die if not treated wisely.”
Before I could speak, the king’s cousin turned to face me.
“I heard from Kaleb that you’re from Wegalla,” he remarked in his heavily accented voice. “It must be quite warm in the South now.”
I nodded. “Yes,”
As the thought of my homeland reached me, I felt a wave of sadness run through me. Wegalla. What was happening there now? Was Becky okay? Marley? How was the cure coming along?
And Asher.. my sweet Asher.
How was he?
Had he received my note? Was he looking for me?
My brain began to spin out as I considered these possibilities. As much as I was accepting of my circumstances, all I wanted was to be back home with my beloved. Instead, I was in this foreign land, cornered by a man I didn’t know who clearly had something on his mind.
I fought the urge to sigh and forced the lump in my throat down
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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