Chapter 212
I stood in front of the window in my study and stared out at the wall that surrounded the castle. The afternoon sky was cloudy, but the brightness of the snow on the surrounding mountains illuminated everything. I’d missed the sight of snow during my stay in Anemond, but now that I was back in Yurene. I found myself missing the greenness of Wegalla.
Behind me, Roxy and Anubis were seated in white leather chairs, waiting patiently for me to speak. Anubis had just come back from his investigative journey with disheartening news- there was no connection between the necklace and the Felix family. Even if there had been, there was no proof, since all of them were now gone. Since the Felixes were a warrior clan, the family didn’t usually purchase omaments or accessories. Such a delicate piece of jewelry didn’t seem like it would belong to such a family.
It was terrible news, but it wasn’t what concerned me the most. I had other things on my mind that circled within me like a
“So, can anyone give me a reason why Ronald is here?” I wondered, irritation seeping into my tone. My cousin had no reason to be back in Yurene. He was supposed to be in another small country not too far from ours, negotiating some kind of cooperation between our lands. Truth be told, I couldn’t remember the name of the land, nor was the negotiation
But Ronald needed to be away on some sort of endeavor. It was important for him to be out of the way.
He wasn’t meant to return for another month.
So, why was he back?
“I hadn’t heard any reports of his returning, so it must have been a sudden decision,” Roxy offered, her dark eyebrows knitted together.
“He must have gotten information from someone,” Anubis chimed in. “He must have known that you had brought someone from Wegalla back to Yurene=”

“But how?” Roxy questioned,
“It must have been one of the diplomats,” he replied to her quickly, and then his serious gaze fell upon me. “I told you they were not trustworthy. They should be executed for their insolence.”
“That’s absurd!” Roxy blurted out, and her nostrils flared in irritation as she shook her head. “Just imagine how much scrutiny Kaleb would face if he made such a decision. Yurene can’t operate with such ruthlessness anymore. We cannot just kill on a whim-”
“And what would a young girl like you know about politics?” Anubis snorted, and he rolled his eyes. “Brutality is necessary if you want to succeed. Yurene wouldn’t be the country it is today without it-”
“Enough,” I interrupted their argument, and my head began to pound. “Have the guards we stationed around him reported anything? Are things operating according to plan?”
“They haven’t reported anything, but they’re in position,” Anubis confirmed.
I nodded. Ronald had been making obvious moves over the past few years. Aside from the pointless endeavors he made in trying to look for alliances with tiny counties, he had built his farne among the civilians through his faux gentleness. Though he was kind and polite, I knew he had ulterior motives.
But I had never expected him to be a great threat.
11:45 Fri, Feb 23
Chapter 212
Since when had my cousin become an obstacle?
Perhaps it had all begun on that first day that my father decided to show mercy to Ronald after he brutally killed his brother. Of course, it wasn’t truly mercy… the only reason my father had Jet Ronald live was because he had that sorceress’ blood. His precious ability to use sorcery was something that couldn’t be wasted.
But now, my cousin had become a ticking time bomb, one that could explode the entire country if left unchecked.
1 exhaled heavily and glanced back at Anubis and Roxy, “You may leave now.”
Anubis rose from his seat immediately, but Roxy hesitated.
“I have something I need to ask,” she stated. “Why did you bring that woman back from Wegalla? She appears to be quite useless, but she could be a threat if she’s on the same side as Ronald.”
“Ca ssandra isn’t useless,” I assured her, and I crossed my arms against my chest. “In fact, she’s quite the opposite.”
“How Roxy countered, and her bluish-green eyes narrowed.
1 can’t explain it now.” I said, and I glanced at the door. The fewer people who know, the better.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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