Chapter 227
I was in the middle of having a meeting with a few lords when Roxy suddenly burst into the meeting room.
While part of me was annoyed by this interruption. I was also a little relieved. This meeting hadn’t been going well.
Yurene didn’t work like Wegalla. Once a Pack was taken over by our country, they no longer functioned as a true Pack, as they had before. Their former Alpha was stripped of their title immediately and was no longer a true Alpha. Instead, they were made Lords, their new position authorized by myself, the king of Yurene.
I was the only leader these new citizens could pay their loyalty to. That was the rule of our country. But true to our nature, wolves had always lived in Packs and served their own Alpha. So, technically, the Lords still had their independence and absolute authority over their Pack members. Therefore, it was important to make sure the Lords were on my side.
At my core. I didn’t believe in faith and loyalty. I knew once my power declined that those close to me would betray me at once. It certainly wasn’t difficult to figure out that quite a few of the Lords favored my cousin, Ronald Adams, much more.
Given the circumstances, I believed it was time to reaffirm and remind everyone of the severe consequences of treason. But today was not the day for that. I would find another opportunity to show my power.
Roxy’s break-in gave the Lords a good excuse to be dismissed from the hall. After I gave them a short gesture, they filed out of the room one by one, and once they were gone, I turned my attention to the warrior sorceress
Is it true that you’re going to marry the healer you brought from the South?” she demanded. Her cat-like blue-green eyes flashed with an emotion I couldn’t place, and her lips drew into a thin line.
Behind her stood Anubis, and when we made eye contact, he simply offered me a shruga
“I couldn’t stop her,” he explained lamely. “She’s far too strong.
“Is it true?” Roxy asked again, only this time, more intense.
I huffed and shook my head. Of all of the things I’d expected her to say, this was not one of them.

“It’s true,” I answered her, and my eyebrow raised in slight annoyance. “I assumed that Raven already told you the whole story-”
“She did.” Roxy cut me off, and her nostrils flared in agitation. “But I still don’t see why you have to marry her.”
“I don’t see why I need to explain my actions to you,” I fired back, and I narrowed my eyes at her. “You forget yourself, Roxy. I am the king.
Anubis grumbled at my response and then tried to reach out for Roxy’s arm, but the warrior pushed his hands away. He took a step back in defeat and sighed.
“It’s time for you to leave,” he insisted, but she shook her head.
“Shut up” she spat and then she glared at him. Her scornful look lingered for a moment, but when she turned her attention. back to me, her expression softened and turned almost wistful. “You changed, Kaleb. You said you didn’t but you wouldn’t have made a decision like this if you hadn’t. You’re different.”
I rubbed my temples and exhaled sharply “Everyone changes, Roxy. Only the dead remain steadfast. I don’t have time for this useless argument. You don’t hold any authority over my decision.”
Roxy opened her mouth to speak but closed it quickly
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Chapter 227
“Since you’re here, I have a job for you,” I stated firmly as I stared into her eyes. “I want you to take Asher Collins.”
The sorceress’ dark eyebrows knotted together immediately. “The king of Wegalla? I don’t understand.”
Anubis scoffed and crossed his arms against his chest. “I don’t think a little girl like Roxy could ensnare the king of the South.”
I glared at him. “I think she can because Asher Collins isn’t presently in Anemond”
“What?” Anubis gasped in surprise.
“There was an official announcement made in Wegalla,” I explained. “It clearly expressed that the king was missing. This is the perfect opportunity to take him. He is lacking his usual guards, so he’s unprotected for the first time since this plan was set into motion. Now is the perfect opportunity to strike.”
“Why not send Anubis?” Roxy mumbled as she glanced at the ground.
“Because Anubis has another job to do,” I replied, and I crossed over to her, “Besides, Roxy, you’re the best pick for the mission. Asher Collins has the ancient disease within him-
“He does?” Roxy interrupted, her expression surprised as her full lips parted in shock.
I nodded. “Yes. He’s vulnerable, so now is the time to act. I want you to bring him back to me, alive.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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