Chapter 232
Anubis suddenly snorted and glanced at me with irritation with yet even further cruelness.
“Healer Ca ssandra hasn’t even agreed yet,” he sneered, and his black eyes flashed. “It seems our king isn to illicit a response.”
As he laughed. Raven appeared surprised. She folded her legs beneath her and sat forward.
“Why wouldn’t you want to marry Kaleb?” she asked me in confusion. “Every girl in Yurene dreams about the king.”
Anubis lifted a thick dark brow. “Including you, Raven?”
Raven’s jaw dropped and she shook her head firmly. “Me? Of course not! My sister, though she probably went nuts when she heard about this.”
Anubis laughed again, and I felt my face flush as I watched this exchange. Roxy had seemed intense when I’d met her, so I was a little surprised to find out that she admired Kaleb. Then again, with how cruel and blunt the dark-haired beauty was, I couldn’t be too shocked that the cruel Northern king was her type.
As I glanced at Kaleb, I wondered if he expectell me to answer his proposal now. I began to panic, but before I could lose myself in anxiety, the king asked Raven and Anubus to stop joking
“Enough,” he sighed, and then he turned his attention to Raven. How are the antidotes coming along, Raven? Will you be able to prepare enough of them in such a short time?”
“The cure to Black Ma
Marks, you mean?” Raven asked for clarification, and after Kaleb nodded, he glanced at me.
1 felt my heart quicken as I tried to keep up.
Black Marks.
Was that the official name of the poison? The one that was plaguing both Wegalla and the man I loved and missed with all of my being?
And was Raven the one who had invented the cure for it?

Before my mind could spiral further, the sorceress replied to the Northern king’s question.
“Of course, I’m able to she started to say, but Kaleb raised his hand to stop her before she could finish her sentence
“I need an amount of antidote sufficient enough to cure 50,000 people,” he said.
Hasen frowned and then stared at him with a look somewhere between shock and utter confusion. “Are you joking? Or at
vagecrating the number?”
the of Yurene said flatly, and Haven uitz
arritated sigh.
“Whist Har hell wir jou uje tor” star grumbled, just loud enough for me to hear, and then she left silent. After a moment of
ału sjeike up. “It’s dithrode to get the antidote prepared in a short tune, cipecially that amount, without
of mumbers. But something like that would
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there he for our an annoyed sigh. Raven stopped
Chapter 232
“Is it true that you used-the poison on 50,000 people?” she blurted out, and everyone in the room fell silent. “I though were only going to use it on the guinea pigs since I invented the poison and…”
Raven’s words dulled in my mind until they were almost shut out completely, and I suddenly frowned as I tried to make sense of what was happening
Did the talkative sorceress just say that she invented the poison?
This made no sense at all. Wasn’t it Emmett?
And why did Kaleb bring up a number like 50,000 Had he somehow gotten an update about Wild Crawler? 50,000 people was fifty percent of the remote Pack’s entire population.
Had that many people gotten infected since I’d left Wegalla and come to Yurene?
As my heart raced in my chest, I followed Raven’s sight and looked at Kaleb
50,000 is an estimation,” the Northern king said.
Raven exhaled heavily and pursed her lips. “It better be. Since we haven’t learned how to control it yet, you’d better not use it on that many people.”
He’s already done it! I wanted to yell at her. Clearly, these two weren’t on the same page when it came to the subject, but I couldn’t determine why
No matter how confused and stressed out I was, however. I managed to hold in my anger. Anubis’ cold black eyes were on me and something told me I couldn’t slip up under his watchful gaze.
So instead, I asked Raven a question for clarification.
“What did you mean when you said you ‘invented the poison?” I wondered. “I thought it was created by Emmett Keller.”
Raven didn’t seem all that surprised by my question, which told me she knew about my relationship with Emmett. But she did grimace.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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