Chapter 238


It wasn’t a joke.

I knew it in my bones

Raven’s expression had given it away the moment she’d been caught.

The storm clouds that had plagued my mind felt as if they’d cleared away, and the puzzle pieces felt as if they’d been pu together.

Mind control.



That’s what Kaleb wanted, to turn the poor, diseased people into his weapon. Though it sounded utterly insane, this speculation seemed more plausible as Raven fidgeted and kept telling me what she had told me wasn’t a fact.

“I shouldn’t make jokes like that,” she said, her tone jittery and nervous. “Roxy would kill me if she’d heard that.”

The dark-haired sorceress offered me a dry smile, and for a moment, I debated on pestering her further, but instead, I decided to bide my time. It was best to go along with things for my safety, so 1 offered Raven a smile back.

“Don’t worry,” I assured her warmly. “I know you were kidding, Raven.”

She nodded and seemed to soften up a bit. “If you want to know more about the research, Cassandra, you could ask Kaleb Without his permission, I’m afraid I can’t share very much with you.”

I wanted to laugh but forced myself to keep a straight face. As if merely asking the king of Yurene would be enough for him to let me know what he was doing here in this prison tower. Surely, Raven thought we were far closer than we were, or else she would know better than to suggest something like that.

silent and began to take my blood. I cooperated well and didn’t fidget, though my mind ran in circles the entire time. Once she finished, she placed the tube of blood in a device I’d never seen before. It was both technologically advanced and a little archaic, and I wanted to ask what it

asked some of the questions I knew she would be able to answer.

Inferno and Black Marks? I wondered, and I made sure to sound as innocently curious as possible I


question for a moment,

very complicated” she said carefully, seemingly more prudent this time, as if she were weighing her

the body physically. In fact, it’s supposed to enhance one’s

and more. vital”



infected with the pesu korp then, youth. Meanwhile the

they deteriorate


Feb 23.

Chapter 238

asked as I stared at her in disbelief, unable to contain my shock

one has actually seen Inferno or used it. Between us, I doubt if Emmett Keller was actually able to make something so potent. I’ve never understood why Kaleb was so persistent in trying to replicate it if there was no evidence of its existence. Anyway, I’ve done my best and I

to an end, her lips curled into a smirk,


keep it from suffering the effects of aging was not only unheard of, but also impossible.

should have been impossible. Was there some merit in what

I pondered all of the secrets I had to keep. I felt like a pawn on Emmett and Kaleb’s chess table, with Asher and the old

and players to be shifted about to

my hair out and scream from frustration. This wasn’t the life I’d wanted for myself, and as I pondered the web that we’d all become tangled in. I thought of Emmett and his part in the situation. I wished I could meet him in my

for the

my dreams again, I wouldn’t be able to get clear answers from him. Besides, I’d attempted to reach him for

Her lovely blue-green eyes nervously observed me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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