Chapter 254


The next day, we began our ascent up the mountain.

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The Sky Pride Pack resided near the top of these hills, and it was a grueling journey. Speed and swiftness had no advantage on steep hills, which was how Sky Pride had remained intact throughout the years, while other Packs suffered from constant wars and disputes. The location was advantageous and strategic, and while the climb was far from ideal, I had to admire their resilience.

None of us had ever visited this technically autonomous Pack before, nor had we expected to have such difficulty. We had to abandon most of our belongings on the way, as they only weighed us down and made the climb more cumbersome.

The only source of relief was the fact that I didn’t need to disguise myself here, as no one would be able to attack us in Sky Pride. No assassin would be able to reach the remote Pack, so a shroud or costume was unnecessary.

It was around noon when we reached the first gate. Our party waited around for nearly half an hour as one of the guarding soldiers went to report our presence to their Alpha. The remaining soldiers of Sky Pride, despite being told that it was the Alpha King visiting them, showed no reverence. They regarded me politely, but there were no outward displays of loyalty or acknowledgment.

Silas was outwardly slighted by their behavior but I stopped him before he could grow angry. There was no use getting upset with these wolves when we were trying to appeal to them for their support.

So, we hung back and waited until finally, the guard returned with a well-dressed man. This middle-aged man was lean and graceful in his movements. Though he smiled, his eyes were sharp.

He bowed courteously at me and then spoke.

“Good day, King Asher,” he greeted me warmly. “My name is Darwin Stone. I am the hand of the Alpha. Our leader is busy at present and has asked me to escort you to the castle in his stead. Will you follow me?”

to meet you, Darwin Stone,” I replied politely, and then I nodded. “Yes,

back and then we were let in through


trek didn’t last long, and when we reached the castle, I was surprised to see how grim everything around us was. The crudely-crafted castle was tall and carved out of the same dark gray stone that surrounded us. Since we were

never been a wealthy place, but they had the strongest soldiers, which made their walked into the

crucial. As we

to a waiting room. Though it was smaller than the ones in Merliscire palace, it was decorated nicely with simple but comfortable furniture, some oil paintings, and vases of mountain wildflowers. Their light scent filled the air

I exchanged glances with one another. I couldn’t say anything private to them with Darwin present, but they seemed to pick up on my silent request to stay

seated, Darwin cleared

dark eyebrow. “The Alpha King has never graced us with a visit, so we are greatly flattered to have you. Yet.. I suppose there is something you want from


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Feb 23.

Chapter 254

his question but I didn’t want to dance around my point. I knew it would be more respectful to go about this with utter honesty, so I raised my chin and answered.

be frank with you, Darwin,” I replied seriously. “There’s

studied me for a moment and then nodded as if to

everything that we were facing, though more concisely so I wouldn’t overwhelm him with i simply explained that Oliver Moses was trying to overthrow my rule and that the King of Yurene was plannin war against Wegalla. We were here to ensure support from

didn’t seem surprised at all by anything I said. He

he shifted his tone. “However… though I can see your difficulties in the matter, Your Majesty, I don’t see what any of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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