Chapter 267


The capital city of Yurene was heavily guarded, even more so than I’d expected. While I’d been well aware that the place would be swarming with security, given the scale of the wedding, the sheer amount of guards that stood around was impressive.

Our car joined the line of other vehicles waiting to approach the enormous gates, and when I rolled down the window, the guards began to speak. We were told once entered through the enormous gate that our identities needed to be triple-checked before we could enter the castle that stood in the distance. The castle was equally impressive, its walls soaring so high into the air that it looked like it was kissing the clouds. It was an amazing sight to behold, though I hated admitting that anything in Yurene was impressive.

While I had been nervous to come here, I knew I had a low chance of getting caught, especially since I had disguised myself using Darwin’s identity.

When I’d initially proposed the plan, the Sky Pride wolf had been agitated by the idea of me using his name to sneak into Yurene, but Kane reminded everyone that crafting a new identity for me might raise suspicion. It would be easier to assume the name of another wolf, and Darwin made the most sense. As the hand of the Alpha, Darwin would be the most suitable for attending the wedding on behalf of Sky Pride’s leader.

Thankfully for us all, Kane had been right. Taking Darwin’s badge in his stead had made it easy for me to pass through the checkpoints. The guards stationed in the different zones had a list of names they referred to whenever a guest approached, and I had made it through the first two without issue.

As I approached the third and final checkpoint, I began to grow nervous, but when the guard scanned the list and found my “name”, he smiled at me, gave a short bow of respect, and then opened the gate.

Our car passed through with ease, and once we did, the gate closed heavily behind us, ready for the next guest to present their badges.

I glanced around in amazement. The minimally decorated grounds were filled to the brim with ser vants hauling luggage and leading guests to the number of buildings around the main castle.

Though the castle appeared to be bustling with people, the gray buildings seemed quite grim. This whole place was sad and gray and bland, the sky included. I had never seen a more dismal region, and the mere thought of Cassandra being here made my heart ache for her.


Was she in one of those buildings? I didn’t know, but I had to remain hopeful that she would be


When the car pulled to a stop, a well-dressed maid opened the door for me. Her hair was pulled





K Installed


Chapter 267

her icy blue eyes were intense as they stared into

me to lead you to your quarters. I apologize for the inconvenience, but the main building is full, so

nodded and offered a kind expression. “Thank you

end of the corridor to myself. I was pleased with this arrangement. In fact, it was completely ideal. It would be convenient for me to sneak out and look around in

minutes, and then tactfully recommended that as Southerners, we shouldn’t go out at night

purely for safety,” she explained with a small shrug and then she smiled. “Is there anything else I can do

that would be too risky. So, instead, I just asked if any of

named a few of them. “They’re in the same building, but on different

of the names of the guests, but I knew their Packs. A few of them belonged to Wegalla, just like Sky Pride. As I pondered their names, I wondered if

supposed I could visit some of

it’s alright to wander around inside the building,”

Benn assured me, and then she bowed again. “I hope you have a pleasant


my room and leaned against the windowsill as I stared out at the sky. To my dismay, the moon and stars weren’t


finally quieted, as all of the guests who

all arrived.

be off-duty past nine, so if I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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