Chapter 277


The horrible sight before my eyes was the worst nightmare I’d ever seen, yet no matter how hard I pinched myself, it wasn’t going away.


As the fire covered Asher’s body, his skin began to peel down. Soon, the black burnt skin became ashes, and then the ashes disappeared entirely and blew down the corridor.

“No!” I screamed out of anger and sorrow. “No, no, no!”

My lungs ached as I cried out, but I couldn’t stop. Tears spilled down my face like a river, and my vision started to break out with spots as I shook.

No one was going to take Asher away from me.

This couldn’t be happening.

My skin began to burn again, and I realized the flames were engulfing me as well, but I didn’t care. There was nothing I could see but fire, endless, unstoppable fire. The screams and cries soon faded away, and as the flames danced around me, I realized that Ronald, Helene, and the other guests were gone too.

But somehow, despite my trauma and all that I’d endured at the hands of fire, my fear disappeared.

Without Asher, there was no point in going on. I wasn’t afraid anymore. I would accept my demise knowing that I did all I could in this lifetime.

But just as I resolved to close my eyes and accept my unavoidable and imminent death, a figure became clear in the inferno. They were standing not too far away from me, and when they walked forward, their features became more clear.

It was Emmett Keller.

“You’re finally here,” he remarked as the flames flicked around us. “I’ve been waiting for you for so long?

“Waiting for me?” I blurted out before I even had the chance to understand what was happening. “Why were you waiting for me, Emmett?”

His eyes remained fixed on mine and then he smiled calmly at me.

“I owe you an explanation,” he said.



10157 Tue, 19 Mar

Chapter 277

wondered as my eyebrows creased

assured me as my mind began to panic. “I just need you to

hesitated for a second before I complied. Once I was close enough, Emmett caught my

was gone, I realized our surroundings had changed, and we were back in our home in Wild Crawler. Our

illusion?” I wondered as I stared

was wearing the usual flannel shirt and jeans


he said, and then he gestured toward the kitchen

to sit at the same table we’d shared dinner at for so many

time, Emmett. I have to save Asher and look

and Finnick are alright,” Emmett interrupted me gently, but I shook

suspiciously as I eyed the front door. “How do you know they’re

things,” he said vaguely, and then he

stared at him suspiciously.

it,” Emmett sighed. “Come now, take a seat and I’ll



Chapter 277

anyway. I sat down and glared at Emmett as I settled into my

remarked after a moment of hesitation. “I thought

after what you did,” I cut him off

didn’t have a choice,” he said calmly. “Things weren’t always under control. I’m sorry for

I reminded him angrily. “And

“I understand your anger,

me sharply. “I’m sorry that I overestimated myself

as I

sighed and then

started with Asher’s father,” he explained. “Or more precisely, with his regret about his wife’s

old queen?” I

the king started to search for sorcerers in the first place. He wanted to bring Selene Collins back to

at him in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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