Chapter 281


As we raced through the grounds in our wolf forms, I saw the buildings beyond us and noted with horror that they were all on fire now. The smoldering flames rose high, as did thick plumes of smoke.

I had hoped to get some medicine from my room to treat Asher’s wound, but there was no chance of that happening now. Part of me felt a small amount of loss in knowing that many of my belongings were still within the chamber, but the other part knew that material items didn’t matter. I had my family with me, and for now, we were all safe and sound. The medicine would have been nice, but I would have to find other methods of dealing with our injuries.

As I tried to suppress the pain in my back and the panic of escaping this place for good, my eyes scanned the grounds. Serv ants were running around desperately, their expressions horrified as they fled away from the burning buildings. They were so terrified that they hadn’t even noticed us.

Finnick clenched himself against Asher tightly, his sterling eyes wide with fear as

screams rang out around us. I wished I could use my newfound magical abilities to put out the fire, but since I knew little about how to use sorcery, I didn’t know how.

he studied the blaze. Our son trembled and wa

Thankfully, none of the soldiers had followed us, so once I was certain we would be okay, I carefully eased Raven’s still unconscious body onto the ground and then changed back into my human form,

Erika followed suit and helped Finnick get down from his perch on Asher’s back. Once he was secure in the maid’s arms, I nodded at Asher, and the Alpha King shifted back too.

“Is everyone alright?” I asked as I glanced around at my family.

Everyone nodded, and then Asher approached me.

“There’s nothing we can do here,” he said, recognizing the concern on my face. “We need to leave before the situation escalates.”

I nodded my head and then Erika did the same.






Chapter 281

and then carefully eased Raven up. Despite her calm demeanor, the maid was incredibly strong and powerful. She carried the sorceress with ease while Finnick buried his

my hold around him. “It’s okay, baby. We’re gonna

gate, but before we could get too

figure approached. It was Ms. Benn. The head housekeeper held Lila in her arms. Her sharp, angular face was stained gray from the soot and there was a franticness

Lila. She appeared to have lost consciousness and appeared weak. The smoke inhalation had likely

poor child.

continue heading to the gate to escape this wretched place, I couldn’t turn my back on a

pleaded as she approached me. “Please, you have to take


her correctly? Was this a trap? quickly scanned the area, yet Ms. Benn seemed to be acting

her. “Why would you want me

Benn shook her head quickly. “I can’t

verge of war,” I practically shouted back at her, nearly laughing at the absurdity

rather die than leave. But Lila doesn’t deserve that. Get her out of

parted but I couldn’t refuse. We didn’t have time to have a whole discussion, so I just nodded. Wordlessly, Erika passed Raven over to Asher and then took Lila into her arms and held




Chapter 281

main building. As I wretched her leave, I shook my head. I had never understood Ms. Benn, but her loyalty to Kaleb seemed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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