Chapter 288


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Though it was a bold theory I had yet to find evidence to support, I knew it was a stronger guess than anything

else the Sky Pride healers made.

Even though it had been many years since then, I could still remember what Asher’s father looked like when he’d died. His face had the same yellowish sheen as Alpha Arthur’s and his lips were unusually purple. The two men had the same dryness in their skin, and the same frigid bodies.

It was too much of a coincidence to not be true.

If my assumption was correct, that would indicate that the head healer was complicit in this scheme.

But why?

What were the motivations behind it all?

“Is the healer still administering medicine to your father?” I asked Kiara, my eyes still locked on the unconscious


“Yes,” she replied. “The treatments have been more frequent lately because the healer thinks the medicine will help him live longer.”

I knew at once that wasn’t the truth. I could almost be sure that the “medicine” Alpha Arthur was taking was in fact poison. The mastermind behind this plan seemed impatient and couldn’t wait any longer for the Alpha’s death, so the frequency of the treatments had been increased.

Kiara took notice of my expression and wiped the tears away from her face. Her eyebrows knitted together and

she studied me closely.

“What’s wrong?” she wondered suspiciously. “You seem… intrigued. Is something going on?”

I parted my lips, unsure of what to say. I didn’t want to alarm her since she was in such a fragile state, but then again, I couldn’t keep her in the dark. This was her father’s life. She deserved to know my theory.

“I’m wondering if there’s something wrong with the medicine,” I said calmly.


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Chapter 288

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widened even further. “What makes

“Signs that there might be

play?” she repeated back, interrupting me. “I don’t understand, Kane. The head healer has served my

my hands up a little as if to calm her. “But I’ve known and seen someone who had been taking chronic poison under the

daughter fell silent. Without thinking, I reached out and took her hands in mine. They were

for a while. It was a strange feeling, one l wasn’t used to. I wasn’t known for my ability to

thoughts of her, she gazed up at me through her thick dark lashes. She seemed disoriented as if this news was too much to

Finally, she sighed.

understand,” she said as she continued to tremble. “I’ve always trusted the healer and I’ve helped administer the medicine quite a few times. What if

sternly. “You mustn’t blame yourself. You had no reason to suspect otherwise,

shook her head. “My father has always been kind and generous to his

mind, I didn’t tell Kiara my theory. It would be too much of a blow

and I



released a sigh, clearly

do next?” she wondered. “We clearly can’t keep letting the healer give my


truth,” I replied. “We can’t let this go on any longer, not

to come back in two hours. We

that seemed like the natural

questioned by someone in a high position, someone she wouldn’t dare go against.

didn’t live within the castle, which was something

me where the healer lived and the route they took to


offered but I shook my head

will be too dangerous,” I stated

Please, Kane. Besides, you have no helpers here. All of the Myriad soldiers left with the Alpha King and the

I knew it would be tough

soon,” I advised. “Be ready to come with

left the palace undetected and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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