Chapter 293 Chaser CASSANDRA ; Unfortunately, our moment of bliss didn’t last long.

The night before we were set to leave the Alpha of Red Stone’s home and head toward Wegalla, an accident happened.

We were packing up some of our belongings when we heard a short screech. It was a haunting, terrible sound that stood out in this silent place. It was the kind of noise that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up, and a shiver traveled down my spine.

I braced for something horrible, but when we rushed to the window and

glanced outside, there was nothing to be seen. I glanced around, waiting for a second utterance, and when it didn’t — happen, I thought maybe it had been my imagination.

Just as we turned around to get back to packing, a second screech was heard, short but clear.

Asher and I rushed out of the room and met the others in the hallway.

Everyone else had heard the sound as well. We did a headcount to make sure all were present, but to our surprise, two soldiers of Red Stone were missing.

The Alpha ordered his remaining men to search the perimeter and find the missing soldiers. He joined them outside and they were gone for a good amount of time, but when they

returned, they revealed they hadn’t found the missing soldiers.

“It’s like they vanished completely,” the Alpha remarked with a shake of his head. “It’s like they were taken by ghosts.” It was a metaphor, but we all knew it couldn’t be a ghost.

There was a logical answer, but all seemed unwilling to say it. Finally, the Alpha spoke again.

“It was likely someone from Yurene,” he sighed. “They finally found this place.” “If that’s the case, why would they take two soldiers?” Asher pointed o “Wouldn't they go straight for Cassandra?” “That would mean that Cassandra i

their target,” Helene chimed in, her caramel eyes regarding me seriously.

I remained silent as they spoke, but Helene’s words ushered in a realization. If the target wasn’t me, who would be the one worth chasing? There was only one answer that made sense to me.


heels and rushed wordlessly down the hall to the room we’d locked the sorceress in. I opened the door, and just as expected, someone was kneeling down in front of Raven trying to open her

second later


was Roxy. = Raven's fearsome twin sister reacted swiftly

I could, half expecting her to get away, but much to my surprise, Roxy hadn’t gotten away. She was waiting for us in the

save her sister.

attack, but as his men lept in her direction, it was clear that they were no match for the dark-haired warrior. Roxy was so swift that she was like a shadow. She maneuvered around the soldiers and attacked them so deftly that they didn’t even have a chance to shield themselves. They fell prey to her attacks and died immediately when she ripped apart their necks in one easy

terrifying and amazing sight. She was fluid and

sister for guidance on fighting. Roxy was like a killing machine.

It was a

course. / She was an enemy, not just

We need to run.” The Alpha of Red Stone released an agitated growl. “No. We can’t run. I watched two of my soldiers die at her hands.” He rushed forward, ignoring Helene’s suggestion, and launched an attack on Roxy. Despite

she was unable to land


shadow of

and crueler than expected. eT “I'll take your life yet, girl,” he called out to her. “My men will be avenged!” His words had been brave

changed quickly. Sparks

flash of a second, she was behind him and her claws dug into his back. As a deep cry

all lept

going to let the Alpha who had done so much for us get hurt. Ne Just as Roxy raised her claws to deliver another blow, we rushed at her. Asher managed to knock her

was right. Roxy’s power was

time. All became a flurry of movement, and Asher and I could barely

but I

forward,” she said firmly. “You're

place. opr “If you keep getting in my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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