Chapter 299 Hello, Kitten BECKY I hadn’t expected that healers were forbidden to leave once they came to the House of Moses. After I had overheard the conversation between Adalyn and the head healer, I had waited until they had long been gone from the room and then slipped out. I headed right down the corridor I'd come from and once I was near Silas’ room, I traveled down the hallway and made an attempt to go. I needed to return to the clinic so I could tell Dickson all I had heard. I needed his intellect and opinion on how to proceed.

I would return once I had a plan, using Cassandra’s badge to get back into the

House of Moses. I had to find some way to stop Adalyn, and by extension, the healer, from carrying out their wicked plan.

Silas couldn’t be paralyzed or disabled by whatever drugs they intended to use. I wouldn't allow it.

But when I tried to leave, the guards stopped me in my tracks and my plan | began to fall apart. They explained that the Moseses had arranged rooms for the royal healers and if we wanted, the guards could bring our families here to keep us company. But no one was permitted to leave the area once they'd checked in.

If I couldn’t leave the information I had was useless.

The council meeting... if | remembered correctly, it happened twice a month.

The next one should be arranged in two days.

I had to find a way to get the news out.

Adalyn had to be stopped.

Despite my annoyance at the ordeal, I allowed the guards to escort me to my own room, and after a terrible night’s sleep, I woke up and returned to Silas’ room.

The other healers filtered in soon after and as the day went by, I formed a plan. Two healers would be arranged to look after Silas overnight, and I volunteered to be one of them.

to yesterday mentioned it was a tough job. Since we would have to check his temperature and pulse every hour for their records,

couldn’t complain at all. I agreed to those terms and offered the healer a smile, explaining I was more than happy to care for the Beta of the Pack. It was my honor to

hours went by, the other healer assigned to watch Silas began to yawn. She was an elder healer with a great deal

to me after a great deal of silence. “He’s

do anything about it and

wondered if she took on the task of watching Silas often or if she was simply just exhausted from

the medicine Beta

the head healer, who is the best of


medicine he’s prescribed.” Inodded and

one was allowed to see the medicine. If they did, they would likely deduce that this was a bad situation and that the Beta was being drugged and kept

take the responsibility of recording,” I offered. “You can rest for a while. Both of us don’t need to be awake to do a simple job like this.” The healer considered the idea and then nodded. She sat on one of the chairs nearest the window, leaned back, and closed her eyes. She drifted off soon after, the sound of her soft snores filling

besides us and Silas, a maid. She had fallen asleep

me at this terrible circumstance. Once I was done writing them down, I waited to make sure the healer’s breaths were slow

was sure, I snuck out of the

walked down the corridor, I searched for the room I’d hidden in yesterday. I remembered I had seen a phone

were around at all. I supposed the area

no one would notice this place so late at night. It was advantageous for certain, I just needed to be quick. If

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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