Chapter 306 Kill ADALYN El This girl was stupid and annoying, to say the least.

Yet, despite these facts, I regretted that I had underestimated her. I should have dealt with the tiny redhead girl right after Cassandra Keller had disappeared. Now, she had become a big problem, one I wasn’t sure how to handle.

“I was hiding in the room next to yours when you spoke,” Becky chimed in.

Father’s face changed when she mentioned the meeting. His complexion paled and his hazel eyes widened, but when he ran his hands through his graying hair, it was clear

that he seemed convinced by her words.

I had to hand it to her. 3 Placing herself at the scene of the crime was a bold move, one I wasn’t sure how to work around. This was damning to be certain but I had to remain collected if I wanted to make it out of this and continue my plans without interruption.

Silas’ little kitten was a true thorn in my side.

Father studied the girl’s expression like a fox studying its prey. “I hope you acknowledge that you will be punished for your confession, girl. You heard something you weren't meant to hear in a zone that was out of bounds to you.

Not that you were meant to be in the House of Moses anyway. Do you

understand that those actions will have consequences, even if you are my son’s... mate?” St a She nodded, much to my agitation, and tucked a lock of her auburn hair behind her ear innocently. “I understand it well, Lord Oliver, which is why I confessed. You wouldn't trust me if I withheld any information. I can tell you don’t like to be deceived, so I will do no such thing.” The moment Father fixed his gaze on me, I knew he believed the little bitch over me. I couldn’t be all that surprised. He had always distrusted me. Why would today be any different? “I’ll have to figure this out for myself,” he said, and then he glanced at the guards. “Take the girl and her

accomplice away. Lock them up.” The guards nodded and before they left, Father pointed at Becky. i “You better not be lying,” he warned her. “If you are, I will see to it that you suffer.” She nodded and without another word, the guards led the pair from the room.

They closed the door behind them, leaving only Father and I in the room.

Father didn’t speak for a few minutes and the silence was palpable. Silence could add to the pressure, especially in his presence. I used to fear this atmosphere because it always meant heavy punishment, but to my surprise, I didn’t feel fear.

I only felt hatred.

situation, at Father, at

girl said true?” Father finally spoke, clearly holding in his anger. He seemed on the verge of exploding into a blind rage. “I’m giving you a chance, Adalyn.” A chance? A chance? A chance to what? To admit I wanted to cripple his beloved son? Why would I do that? What was he expecting from me? A full confession? For me to beg for his forgiveness as I wept

I wanted to laugh.

mind. Fa Father had said the same thing when

then, Silas had only been five years old. All he knew

up with him. I wanted to run into the forest and hunt with the other strong werewolves. I wanted to be like Cora, the beautiful golden- haired girl who

Silas near an

to stay there. I told him if he didn’t remain there, a scary monster would drag

all on my own. I was ecstatic as I carried my kill back out from the woods. I wanted to

the best in the Pack one day

me. It was the first time he whipped me, the

but not outlawed.

my fault. If he hadn’t left his spot, his legs never would have been cut by the sharp rock. But Father always blamed

couldn’t understand what I ever did

his son? I stared at him now and shook my head in denial.

Silas. I've always loved him. He’s

a vow-" “A vow is of no value to me, Adalyn,” he interrupted me with a

one way to know

the healer would confess everything. Father was great at interrogation

said is true.” The consequences. Would he ground me in the basement, not allowing anyone to talk to me, and giving me no food to eat for days until I had no strength to beg? Or would he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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