| Chapter 308 Argument CASSANDRA Thankfully, Adalyn’s proposal wasn’t as convincing to the councilors as | she’d expected. It was clear from the glint in her golden eyes and the proud expression on her beautiful face that she assumed all would accept the idea of Marco’s ascension without complaint, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. The room dissolved into whispers and gasps at once.

One of the councilors I didn’t know the name of cleared his throat and all fell quiet.

“Pardon me for my bluntness, Lady Adalyn, but it’s absurd to announce a new Alpha King when there is no

evidence showing that the king is dead,” he pointed out, his thick dark eyebrows furrowed at her. “We have nothing of the sort before us-" “The forensic report will explain everything-" Adalyn began to say but the councilor waved her off with his hand.

“A report means nothing,” he stated boldly, and then he glanced around the room to garner attention from the other councilors. “If the Alpha King is dead, we need to see his corpse for our own eyes. From there, he will need a proper funeral so that he can be buried here in the land of Wegalla, per the tradition of every king before him.

Only after the burial can a new Alpha King be appointed.” A few other councilors nodded,

emboldened by his words.

“If he is dead, the people must witness | and then mourn,” another spoke up.

“A new king matters not to us right now.” The room suddenly filled with the voices of the councilors, and then, another one I didn’t recognize rose to his feet.

“I think Lady Adalyn is thinking about what’s best for the country,” he said loftily, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes in his direction. “Since the Alpha King’s disappearance, the country has been in chaos, chaos that has lasted for too long. Our people long for peace and prosperity-" Some disagreement interrupted him, but he simply spoke louder to drown out the complaints.

“As shocking as the proposal initially sounds, Prince Marco is old enough to take the throne,” he continued, and he pushed his spectacles up his hooked | nose. “The youngest king in Wegalla’s history was three years old, after all.

He will need guidance to be certain, but this isn’t unheard of.” I gritted my teeth and forced myself to remain as silent as I could manage.

and Jacoby, it was clear they shared the same dilemma. This was insane. This councilor was on the side of the Moses family, and I wondered how much they had bribed him with

argue with the others in his favor. Their voices filled

make me want to throw my hands over my

known this wouldn’t be an easy task, but I hadn’t expected some of the councilors to be as captivated by the Moses family as they were.

louder than the

of Lord Oliver of Lord Beta

point out directly that he thought Adalyn wasn’t qualified to make this


It only lasted for

announcement on his behalf, which is exactly why I’m here. As for my brother, I think it’s rude to mention the need for his presence when he is currently fighting for his life. We have no idea when

gestured at

have Lady

do not know who else is needed with her present.” Margaret smiled and nodded. Clearly, she thought she was some sort of authority figure and believed in Adalyn’s proposal. The truth of the matter, though, was that Margaret held no power here and she didn’t mean a thing to the councilors. My theory was proven when they simply ignored the widow of the late king and began to talk amongst

flushed in embarrassment, and I leaned in and whispered to

on Adalyn’s side equals the ones against her,” I

then I glanced around the room. It was an interesting observation since I had expected the Moseses would get more support. Perhaps this proposition was too radical even for them, too shocking.

crazy even for him.” “I think so too,” Asher agreed, his gray eyes fixed on what should have been Oliver’s seat at the table. “I

Oliver Moses, something more than mere sickness.” When he turned to face me, I simply blinked at my

suggesting he’s...

like Silas,” he whispered back

want to accept that as truth. There was no love lost toward Oliver Moses, but who would have done something

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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