81. Confessions 


“What’s wrong?” Dad asked, looking suddenly tense. 

What the fuck was up with him? Now wasn’t the time to ask him though, I needed to get this shit over with. 

Azura placed her hand on my thigh, and our eyes met for a moment before I wrapped my arm around her neck pulling her close and kissing her forehead. “I’ll start with my side business, as you already fucking know, I created some pretty lethal bullets.” 

Dad nodded slowly, drinking his coffee. 

This wasn’t going to be easy, and I wasn’t going to fucking sugarcoat it or try to justify shit. 

“Well as you know, I have several businesses, one of which is the Heimtückische Wölfe…” I said, waiting for him to take that in. (1 

“Heimtückische Wölfe… that’s…” 

Realisation dawned on his face as he stared at me as if he had just been hit with a reality check. Guess he fucking had. “So.. Schurke Wolf… I often thought the name was ironic, how the fuck did I never see that…” 

“I’m not going to try to justify anything, but the Cartel was the majority of my income. I’m not even going to say I’m sorry for it. I regret certain decisions regarding having involved the bastard 

Emmet, but otherwise if I was told to do it all over… I wouldn’t change the Cartel.” I said coldly, but I was watching him intently despite my emotionless attitude. 

“That’s…” Dad sat back, running his hand through his messy hair as he exhaled sharply. He set his cup down, joining his hands in front of him, and placed them to his lips trying to comprehend what I had just told him. 

Was he stressed out? I couldn’t fucking make out what he was thinking, but from the way he was constantly either clenching and unclenching his hands, to the tapping of his foot on the floor, or running his hand through his hair, I could tell he was trying to digest my revelation. 

I poured myself another cup of coffee since it looked like this was going to fucking take all day. “Emmet is the one who took my formula and created his own fucking batch of lethal bullets. Plus, there was a shipment of drugs that I had brought into the country. It was meant to be the final one, one that has fucking made me the richest man in the country, only to find out they’ve been tampered with. I’m certain it’s Emmet’s doing too. 

I need you to put him under Alpha Command, so I can ask him a few questions.” I continued. 

There was no point in filtering this shit, we didn’t have time to fucking waste. 

Dad looked at me as if seeing me for the first time. “Of course, I’ll ask Emmet… but tell me Leo… why?” He asked quietly. 

“You know why,” I replied quietly. “I didn’t trust anyone… in the end, we needed to fight for survival. Ourselves. I’m letting the past go and so I won’t bring that shit up again. I told you the truth and I intend to let the pack know as well, before Emmet’s trial.” 

“You want to tell the pack that you-” 

“That I’m a Cartel Don? Yeah, I don’t need to tell them that I’m Schurke Wolf, but I’m fine with them knowing of my activities because Emmet will be tried publicly and fairly and he will mention it whether I do or not.” 

Azura’s heart was racing as she watched Dad, she had been so sure he’d be ok with it… I hadn’t but I still needed to do this regardless. 

“Yet despite knowing he’s going to be a dick, Leo is still doing it in a fair way, when Emmet doesn’t deserve it.” She said, looking between Dad and me. 

I almost smirked, my Sexy Little Psycho was defending me. 

“I understand that… I just… I know your values and mindset Leo so I know even in these things you are doing things with a conscience, but one or two traitors can cause so much damage. The drugs that have been on the human news lately, I’m assuming those are the ones you mean.’ 

said, frowning deeply.

pretty much, I’m trying to get things under control.”

dangerous… we don’t ever want the humans to learn of us Leo, if that ever happens… the world that we know will change forever. Fear is a dangerous  weapon Leo, and even

this. But I need to fix this shit  first.

not. “If it doesn’t sit right

I get that. I appreciate you telling me but withholding the Alpha title from you isn’t going to make me happy.

an eyebrow waiting, I fucking felt like a kid again

lose sight of what is

a cigarette and lighting it. Yeah, I know I was in a grey area… but this world

know… I

look of guilt crossed her face. “I’m the reason behind Judah… and I’ve not told anyone… I’m the one who messed up and got  involved with someone like him… I’m the  reason Shane and Jackie are gone… I’m  the reason…and I want to make sure  everyone knows that.”

ain’t fucking  necessary, I’ve got it covered, and I told you, it’s not

you’re here owning up to your stuff, and when Mama and Dad come… I’m telling them… everything.”

she placed her  hand on my arm. “You don’t

keeping an

handle a lot more than you think.” She winked at  me, a small smirk


we both fucking knew she could

her touch -fuck, I hated how quickly I got

turned my attention back to  Dad who was watching

tell Dad

one more thing.”

nodding. “Since it’s a

” I smirked, only for him to tense

he was

tell me what you need to say, and right after that, we’ll go get the

here goes

everything, from when I first started coughing up blood to trying to heal myself. How Jackie tried to help… and how nothing worked, and I was ready to

had said since the man looked 

once did you think to

around the

  anyone’s sympathy…” He placed his  hands

was dying,  and I didn’t even know… and it’s obvious  that I’m the last one to know.” The hurt  in his voice was evident, and I felt guilty.

want you to

you’re such a fucking stubborn idiot! You  are all I have, and if something  happened, then there

I know…now… look I won’t die… There’s a solution, Dad and it’ll work. So


like a fucking 

dying,” I

are….” Azura  smiled, clearly enjoying

there for me… the fleeting moments when he wasn’t

always be our

through the link. Forgive me.’

to ask for forgiveness… you’re going to be alright; I have just gotten my son back, and I’m not losing you again.” He said quietly. The

moved back and reached for Azura, pulling her up and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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