Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 03 The Arrangement

“Can you be sure that they would be truthful about that matter? The curse took away your ability to find your true mate. Who’s to say the blasted witches won’t send imposters to attempt to take over the pack, hmm? This isn’t something trivial to be laughed at!” The man identified as Allen answered in frustration.

Ann’s eyes were wide. Just what had she stumbled into?! She didn’t recognize the voice but his predicament seemed to be difficult. As she leaned forward onto the door to try to hear better, the door flew open and she stumbled out, hitting the wall opposite her with a loud grunt.

Title of the document

Maeve snickered in her head.

“Forget to close the door properly?”

“You’re not helping…” Ann replied as she clutched the spot on her head that had made an impact on the wall and winced painfully.

As she looked up, her eyes made contact with the two momentarily stunned males who had been poised to attack and right at this moment, were a little unsure of how to proceed now.

“What…? Who are you?! Explain yourself!” the man whose voice had been identified as Allen, blustered at her furiously.

She dropped her hand to her side and looked at him incredulously.

“I can explain myself! Don’t you think it should be the other way around?!”

started to protest as Ann cut him

using the ladies’ bathroom to talk about such nonsense…what

at the

man with the deep voice had adopted a relaxed demeanor, shoving his hands into his pockets as his a*s*sessing

of attire for the men’s bathroom… don’t you think?” He commented dryly with a

Men’s bathroom? This wasn’t the

her gaze to travel across the room and noticed

deep voice chuckled at her obvious discomfort and turned away as if

Allen protested loudly as the man with a deep

a slight nod

signified an imminent change and


as she tried to push forward

way to get out of this wedding tomorrow. I’ll

voice paused and

the disheveled, slightly drunk woman in a wedding dress staring at him boldly, with no trace of fear

of this sudden appearance before smiling

the final terms when you have concluded

order, Allen.” He snapped with a voice full of

answering. “Yes, Alpha Nocturne.” He ground out as he bared his neck in submission to

Ann blinked in surprise.

Alpha Nocturne?!

hell had she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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