Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 06 I Will Take Everything From You!

The shocked silence lasted only a matter of seconds before her father exploded angrily, shouting incoherently as Ada and Narcissa did their best to calm him down.

Ann watched their struggle emotionlessly. It was about time they all heard a few home truths.

Title of the document

“Ann, that’s enough you’ve gone too far! Look at the state of your father! After everything I’ve done…” Narcissa snapped as she grappled with her husband, trying desperately to soothe his wolf.

“Everything that you’ve done?!” Ann laughed incredulously.

“Tell me which part I should be thankful for Narcissa? The part where you seduced my father into breaking his sacred mate bond? Maybe the part where my mother finally lost her fight and gave up on life? Or perhaps I should be grateful for the times that you’ve pushed me out of this poor excuse for a family and excluded me in favor of your own blood?” She spat disdainfully.

Ada did her best to appease her mother before she whirled furiously and stalked toward Ann stopping just millimeters away from her face.

the hatred between the two of them almost electrifying in the

right in what you said earlier though.” She snarled, a sardonic grin playing at

narrowed her eyes warily. “I’ll happily admit if there’s any truth to what you

herself for the words that Ada was about to throw at her. If she agreed

statement, do you want to know

little theatrics bore me quite honestly. I have better things

arm painfully, digging her fingernails into the soft

you’ll stay and listen you weak little b*tch.” Ada hissed quietly so no one could hear but the two of them. “You and your mother are the same. Weak-willed, insipid wretches that can’t hold onto their men. When they’re stolen away, they

her hand around in a swift arc, the sound of the slap she landed on

the f0rce of the impact knocking her off balance as she

she tried to reign in her own anger. She

her head slightly to grin at her from the floor, and the madness on her face startled Ann momentarily

you know why Brad chose me over you?” Ada laughed, the sound a

of arms reach this time as her eyes danced with a hostile fire as she smoothed her clothes down. “It’s because I’m carrying his child.” She giggled

a chill swept over her. It couldn’t be. Then, that would mean this

conflicting emotions and stared blankly ahead of

out of his mind. You weren’t enough Ann, you’ll never be enough. When he left you in the evenings he came to warm my bed. All you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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