Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 151 Shipping Convicts

The wind howled through the mountain passes as the ominous storm clouds scudded overhead, the threat of them dumping their heavy load over the convoy below was ever-present as the guards walked in silence at the side of their dangerous cargo.

Each one of them knew the dire threat that they had been charged with keeping subdued, and they were acutely aware of the fate that awaited them if anything went wrong.

Title of the document

The Iron cage rattled over stones and boulders as the heavy guard scanned the dangerous terrain all around them as if expecting a threat to appear at any second.

The Elders of the Royal Enclave had wasted no time in preparing and shipping these convicts off to their final destination.

As soon as the verdicts had been announced, the two female figures, one unrepentant and defiant, the other sobbing and defeated as she clutched her swollen belly protectively, had been unceremoniously hauled away and bundled together in a high-security convoy with other condemned inmates destined for the Containment facility in the desolate

Northern Tips mountain range.

The individual crates that held the condemned were loaded onto the transport and secured

escorts on either side and the smaller wyverns with riders backed them up from the air in case of any

without incident at the outpost that guarded the entrance to the ravine they

shifters, their landing was flawless and the crates were safely

by curses and direct verbal threats from the male inmates, and the soft sound of sobbing from one of the cages at

beasts that pulled the carts and they protested loudly

and there’s a nice warm stall waiting for you with a huge mound of…” The driver crooned

why do you waste your breath on them?” He sneered disdainfully

didn’t want to be here, and wouldn’t have been if it wasn’t for the direct orders from the Enclave itself. Widow’s Ravine was notorious for claiming the lives of unprepared travelers and there were countless tales of escorts that had become

the case then you vastly underestimate the intelligence of these animals, Ser.” The driver said as he

his nose in disgust and sneered up at the

what would he

I’d rather be a moving target than a sitting duck.” The guard spat angrily as he

driver glowered at him, desperately wanting to retort angrily against the lead guards prejudice, but he said nothing more and turned back to his animals, attempting to coax them lovingly in the soothing voice that

he tried, they simply wouldn’t take another step forward as they stomped the ground in defiance and snorted

eyes as a thoughtful look descended over his features and he scanned the

old man.” The guard demanded impatiently, his

carefully, trying his best not to inflame the simmering tension that seemed to electrify the air around

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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