Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

CHAPTER 170 Return to The Coven

The trio had traveled for days with Ely as their guide to see them safely through the treacherous terrain that they had found themselves in.

Ada had made the mistake of falling behind due to her exhaustion, but she had been met with nothing but scorn from both her mother and her new-found uncle. There was no sympathy or allowances made for the fact that she was pregnant and unfamiliar with this sort of physical activity. The fact that she hadn’t eaten properly for days also seemed to bear no weight with either of them.

Title of the document

They had uncaringly left her in an exhausted heap on the floor and carried on without her when her legs gave way and if it hadn’t been for Ada’s terror at the prospect of becoming a meal for one of the many terrifying wild beasts that roamed the landscape and hid in the shadows at night, she would never have found the willpower to keep moving.

Her mother had made it very clear once she caught up with them, that if it happened again, she would leave her behind in a heartbeat. So Ada had fought desperately to ignore the exhaustion and persevered as best she could, remaining mostly silent about her difficulties throughout the rest of the arduous trek.

She wasn’t entirely sure that this was any better than a death sentence. Out here, her unborn child’s life was not guaranteed, and at this point, that was all that mattered to her.

Although her mother refused to engage her in conversation for too long, other than biting ad disparaging words, Ely didn’t seem too averse to engaging her in conversation. If anything, he seemed to enjoy the irritation that their chattering brought to Narcissa.

he had heard of their incarceration and impending trial from one of his sources, but because of the speed thatthe trial was conducted at, he simply didn’t have the time to gather the necessary components to launch a

rescue mission in the barren landscape that surrounded the Containment facility was

one would have the slightest idea of where it had come from in the

creations that he had utilized in his attack had mostly been failures for one reason or another, so he had no problem unleashing them on the hapless convoy to face their almost certain death. They had already served their purpose in enriching

beast at least seemed to have some level of intelligence, although it was closer to a child’s simple thinking and teamed with the unwavering loyalty of a dog. Yet this still bode well for future situations in combat

she left the confines of her cage, but before she could dwell too much on it she had been forcefully whisked away

to new depths of despair the closer she had come to it. It looked to be nothing more than a crumbling ruin and an eerie silence

in her life, she actually wished

ways with these two madmen and try to at least scratch a

well that if she was separated from either of them out here in the wilderness, there was no

and Narcissa’s expressions were impassive as they passed through the barrier that barred entry to

had already twisted into an expression of apprehension and uncertainty as she tried to study her surroundings carefully without her mother or newly discovered uncle,

her own. But as Narcissa and Ely disappeared before her very eyes, she panicked and ran forward to the spot that they had stood at only seconds before, all thoughts of escape now dispersed from

burst through an invisible wall of pressure and emerge into

sight that had greeted her and Narcissa turned to her with a scowl, casting her eyes

hatred as she glowered at her for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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