Chapter 273 Return as Heroes

The journey out to the last spot that had been scouted by the Enclave’s Specialist handlers and their direwolves had been uncomfortable to say the least.

The standard black armored transport with tinted windows was not air conditioned, and the heat in the back was stifling. The only breeze came from the window in the front passenger seat, where Lord Brarthroroz was seated next to an obviously tense driver.

The specialists that accompanied them sat in the front two rows, occasionally throwing worried glances back at the cages, as Lexi grinned unashamedly at them from her seat next to Allen on the back row.

“Do you have to torment everyone that you come into contact with?” Allen murmured in annoyance as he rolled his eyes.

“What? I’m just being friendly.” Lexi protested with a shrug, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Allen raised an eyebrow at her as Lexi snorted.

“Look, I’m hot, I feel like we’ve been cooped up in this tin can forever and I’m already bored. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to keep herself entertained, beta-boy.” She winked.

“It wouldn’t be so damn hot if you hadn’t brought those…those things with us for a ride along.” Allen grumbled as he glanced back at the cage, “I don’t know why you couldn’t just teleport them in when we arrived.”

grill and stuck a few f*ingers through to scratch under the chin of one of the sinister looking hellhounds, “The big old meanie just doesn’t

light that seemed to penetrate the hounds eyelids with their unnatural light and glanced across in sympathy at the enormous direwolves that huddled

what goes on inside your head.” Allen murmured with a mixture of awe and

devoted to thinking about cake, surprisingly enough,” She answered offhandedly as the hellhound pushed its snout against the metal grill and she planted a gentle k*iss on it,

hum of the motor, was Lexi’s contented sigh and

pulled off onto a dirt track that abruptly ended a short way along and they continued on through the overgrown field towards the edge of the sprawling forest that lay

closer they got, the more excited the hellhounds became, nudging at the heavy doors of the

van pulled to a stop and they exited the vehicle, the team that had traveled with them, hanging back a short way and making themselves look busy as Lexi sauntered

muttered with a shake of her head as she flipped the latch on the outside of the van and flung them

and fussing around her as she giggled like a child, and the dire wolves that had shared the cage with them slunk past them carefully before

a field with a bunch of cute little puppies..

same time as the unlikely pets focused their full attention on him and bared their teeth in a viscous snarl, growling lightly. Allen swallowed nervously, suddenly

so you know Allen, these three hounds are puppies…and they are as intelligent as you or I,” Lord Brarthroroz advised as he leaned in by his ear, making him jump slightly, “I would be careful what you say. They

for words as Lord Brarthroroz wandered over to the so-called puppies and indulged them with

out by all this?” one of the specialists asked quietly as they joined Allen to watch with complex expressions, the almost unnatural sight of an oversized Daemon Lord and his daughter playing with the monstrous looking hounds as if they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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