Chapter 277 If We Lose the Vote

“I would also like to propose that a better schedule be organized for their working hours. Twelve hour shifts within their duties are archaic. I would like to propose a schedule of eight hour shifts, and suggest that the same benefits that apply to pregnant she wolfs, or those with young children be applied to the omega’s on staff. They will be allowed a reprieve from their duties until either the children come of age, or if they choose to return to work, I feel that the Enclave should provide additional child care facilities so that the children are not forced into the life of an omega, before they receive proper education.”

“Preposterous! Traditionally an omega learns their duties from a young age! They…”

“No.” Ann’s voice cut sharply across the arguments that were bubbling amongst the Elders. “From this moment forward, no child may enter into servitude, or into the staff of households until they have completed their education. Special allowances may be made perhaps for apprenticeships if a child shows a particular affinity for it, but they will be required to attend all classes that their peers have the privilege to attend.”

Ann turned to Bartholomew and smiled at him.

“Bartholomew, see to it that the appropriate changes are made to the legislation and I’ll sign off on it as soon as it’s on my desk.”

“Very well, your highness.” He answered with a smile, bowing his head respectfully.

“Your highness, we need to vote on this you can’t just…”

“This change in legislation benefits the kingdom as a whole,” Adam answered firmly, “There should be no need to vote on a legislation that serves no other purpose than to strengthen our ranks, and lift our people up by providing for all of their needs, both now and in the future.”

“I do, however, have a few more items of business that I need to run past you all.” Ann interjected smoothly, “There is the matter of the finances that go into funding our defense and security forces, and the matter of a new installation that I wish to propose for the Enclave.”

“An installation? What sort of installation?”

“Well, I have the plans being drawn up for it and they are by no means finalized, it’s just a matter of deciding the site that it will be built on.” Ann explained casually, knowing full well that they were going to object to the plans that she had in mind, but she was clinging on to the hope that maybe, just maybe, it would pass through on a slim majority if it went to vote.

“The Enclave hasn’t been modified for nearly a century, your highness, there has been no need to.”

and refurbishing for one, and I want the defenses on the outer walls of the Enclave, and nearby packs bringing up to date as well. We all know the threat that we are facing currently, and the sooner we have our security up to date, the safer

of approval rippled around the

it if possible so that we are able to train, equip and supply our warriors with everything they need to ensure that

breath and steadied her racing heart as she came to the final

tune to meet our needs, allowing almost instantaneous travel to whichever set points we choose, and only accessible for those

method of transportation could be invaluable, but it also hinted at the dreaded magic

know of nothing in our world that can provide this… by

safe.” Ann said, taking a steadying breath, “The portals will allow us to move between locations unhindered,

“Magical portals that will allow anyone access directly inside the

could only be

I don’t think it’s a bad idea, the costs we would save on fuel alone.. not to mention practically eradicating

will leave us open to attack from the

going to assist

be taken care of by our company, so you have no need to worry about the people gaining access to areas within

Daemon Lord.” A voice scoffed, “Didn’t the Excidium coven rise thanks to the backing

shouldn’t we trust

the kingdom and has a strong, personal relationship with the Queen, there’s

but what about years down the line?! No. Absolutely

dropped the device and glanced

I would like to hold a vote. The quicker I know your answer, the quicker I can decide where

“Your highness, you cannot…”

seem to remember you were already warned about telling me what I can and cannot

you approve or not, so, if you would like to cast your vote as to siting it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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