Chapter 285 Live to Serve

As soon as Steve materialized in the room and locked eyes with Lexi, her l*ips curled up at the sides into a mischievous grin.

“Well hello there you little ray of sunshine,” she winked, “How’s life?”

“Eternal.” Steve answered with a face like stone, no flicker of emotion in his eyes as he turned to regard Lord Brarthroroz with the same deadpan expression, “You called?”

Lord Brarthroroz ignored Lexi’s sniggers and got straight to business. “I need to transport some of our forces here, cambion’s and their h*andlers mainly,” Lord Brathroroz explained, “A few mimic’s too. There may be more required at a later date, but we’ll meet that when we come to it.”

“I live to serve.” Steve bowed slightly as the corners of his mouth twitched.

“I can’t decide whether or not there was the hint of sarcasm in there Steve,” Lord Brarthroroz rumbled as he inspected his face carefully for any tell tale signs.

“Sarcasm? Against the Daemon Lord himself? Who would possibly dare…” Steve answered quick as a flash and Lexi snorted as her father watched him with a mixture of mild surprise and faint amusement.

“I do believe he’s finally understood it.” Lexi snorted as she clapped Steve on the back, causing a slight cloud of dust to drift off him as whatever lay under his gown rattled slightly.

“All the time that your presence is forced upon me, it’s a wonder it hasn’t happened sooner.” Steve continued dryly as he removed Lexi’s h*and from his shoulder with a look of distaste and raised his h*ands towards the far corner of the room.

and looked towards

didn’t you?” He asked as his glowing orbs

mock indignation as an audible sigh could be heard from

be the first time… my lord.” He answered as he turned back to the corner of the room and continued his work, mumbling

shared a grin and a wink as the swirling portal bloomed into life and various figures began being pulled through the

the floor was entirely clear before opening the door wide,

past Lexi and eying her appreciatively, as she did her best not to make eye contact with any of them. The last thing she wanted to do was lead any of them on with an

while enjoyable, she hadn’t been able to walk properly for

all of them?” She asked as she counted twenty

with his robe sleeves. “Are you

to do?” Lord Brarthroroz asked with the

turned back to the portal with a slight huff, concentrating immediately on the task

mimics oozed through the portal as Lexi repressed a shudder at their featureless, slime like figures that seemed to squelch across the floor towards

change to something that the shifters won’t find as… disturbing.” She suggested as kindly as she could as they slithered

flurry of ripples across the surface of their being answered her and Lexi shifted uncomfortably on the spot, looking

Mimic’s as the undeveloped ones that scavenge here. They’ve eaten enough and experienced enough

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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