An Impossible Marriage 

Chapter 189 

Margaret began wecping again as she spoke. 

Frowning, Christopher passed her a piece of tissue. Margaret did not accept it. Instead, she turned her face to another side. 

Christopher helped her wipe off the tears without waiting for her response. Then, he said, “I won‘t be contacting Megan again.” 

Margaret was stunned. Is he expressing his stand now? Did he really do all that to me just to seek revenge? How much does he hate me for him to go to such an extreme

At that moment, she felt as if she was already dying inside. “Fine. As long as you cut ties with her, I won‘t leave the Lewis family for the rest of my life.” 

She would stay with him and let him torture her as he pleased. 

A tinge of pleasure flashed across Christopher‘s eyes. “You said so yourself! Now that you‘ve promised never to leave the Lewis family, let‘s forget about everything we‘ve agreed on in the past. Even after you give birth to the child, you‘ll stay with me forever.” 

her back and looked at him. “I‘ll do as I‘ve promised. I hope

took out his phone immediately and dialed Megan‘s number in front of Margaret. He even put it on

through, Megan‘s excited voice rang out from the other end of the line. “Christopher, I knew you would call me!”

Instead, Margaret spoke for him. “It‘s me. Christopher won‘t

that. “What are you talking about? Who do you think you are to speak to me like that? Margaret, don‘t think that you‘re so great

Christopher is the one who made the call, and he‘s right beside me now. He‘s listening to every word you speak. Let him have

Chapter 189 

+10 pearls 

you start scolding, You always talked


not entirely convinced. “No way! Christopher

she could finish her sentence, “She‘s not lying. I made the call. Let‘s stop contacting each other from now onward. We are even now after I‘ve helped the Jenkins family. That‘s

felt gratified. It was a special feeling that she thought she could get addicted to.

It was no wonder Christopher liked to torture her.

Are you hungry? Shall we eat something downstairs?”

talking to her so pleasantly. “A little bit, but I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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