Chapter 176 

Nina carried bags of food in her hands. Even Christopher was laden with multiple bags. No sooner had Nina stepped in the door than she hollered, “Elizabeth, come and take the groceries!” 

Elizabeth languidly strolled out of the kitchen. When she saw the groceries, she questioned, “There‘s no lack of groceries here, so why you bought so much?” 

Beaming from ear to ear, Nina replied, “Of course, it‘s because I didn‘t want to eat and drink for free here. I‘d be embarrassed since I‘d be staying here for quite some time. All I bought are Christopher and my favorite foods. Just cook all this tonight.” 

Upon seeing that Christopher wasn‘t saying a single word, Elizabeth had no choice but to take everything to the kitchen. 

Despite hearing the ruckus downstairs, Margaret didn‘t plan on going and joining in the fun. She sat on the bed and continued reading her book. The moment she heard Christopher ascending the stairs, however, she scooped Tabby up from the covers and placed it on the carpet. 

today?” Christopher inquired as soon as he

was discharged from the hospital anyway. I‘d

wardrobe and took out his pajamas. “Let‘s table that until a month has passed. For now, stay at home and

money. I can support myself now. When I‘ve recovered fully, I‘ll continue doing a servant‘s duties


good job of being Mrs. Lewis. I don‘t want to repeat myself. When you‘ve recovered, you can work if

book in her hand, Margaret lay

shower, he caught sight of the sleeping Tabby on the carpet in front of the bed. Sighing, he strode


ordered the chef to make certain dishes as though this was a restaurant! All the dishes she requested were spicy. I had the chef cook two bland dishes

down for dinner. Bring the

suitable for her consumption, Elizabeth

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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