Chapter 32

The wines were quickly unboxed for everyone’s viewing pleasure.

“Teh, and here I thought they were decent quality. Looks like these are just craft brews, worth no more than two thousand dollars, I bet.” James had a look of disdain on his

face. “How could these compare to Grand Crus?”

“Craft brews have long lost their value on the market. We don’t even give our servants. these!” someone exclaimed,

Craft brews weren’t actually that terrible in terms of quality, but they were nothing compared to Grand Crus.

“What a cheapskate!” Florence scoffed,

“How are craft brews cheap when they’ve been on the rise in the country? Is your taste. in fine wine only limited to those brewed overseas?” Dustin casually responded.

“How is it not cheap when they cost only a couple thousand? Chris‘ wines cost more

than 100 thousand dollars.” James rolled his eyes.

“Wines don’t have to be expensive to be good. Plus, you don’t know how much exactly

my wines cost.”

“Are you still trying to make a comeback?” James sneered.

“Hmph! So damn stubborn, that

to explain to people who won’t listen


is it so yellow? Shouldn’t craft brews be pale white?”

too! It isn’t fake, is

fake wine to dinner! What kind of person

started whispering to each other upon seeing the yellow liquid in the old man’s glass.

you’ve really done it! How dare you mock us all

the table

if something happens to us after

expected him to be so evil! Is he trying to

out at the table in an instant.

embarrassing enough, but fake wine? That was a conspiracy waiting

calm the situation down now. He never

even he knew it was supposed to be a pale, nearly transparent color. Yet the

look like

craft brews usually turn

James cried. “Do you think we’re idiots? No wine looks like this! It’s piss,

all it

Why do you continue to lie through

told me if you couldn’t bring anything to the table. I could’ve given you a bottle or two for show. Why would you want to

in truth, he was leaping for joy internally. Dustin truly was no match for him. His victory

me or not. All I can say is this wine is genuine and as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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