Chapter 124

“I’ll buy it for five million dollars.” Dustin’s voice captured several customers‘ attention. They all looked at him

as if he had grown another head.

Anyone who’s in the right mind would be able to tell that this Luminianth Root was defective. Only an idiot

would buy a Luminianth Root in that condition.

“Dustin, have you lost your mind? Why are you spending five million for a piece of trash?” Ruth was shocked.

Although it wasn’t a lot of money for her, it was still a dumb decision.

“You, you really want to buy it?” Florence could not believe it.

“What? Do you not want to sell it?” Dustin asked.

“I’ll sell it! Of course, I’ll sell it!”

Florence nodded her head repeatedly as a smile bloomed on her face.

Although she still made a loss for selling it for five million dollars, it was still better than nothing.

“Dustin, this Luminianth Root is obviously useless. Are you sure you want to buy it?” Dahlia asked in surprise.

“Oh, silly! What are you talking about? This Luminianth Root is a precious gem!” Florence was taken aback.

got a chance to sell it out. How could Dahlia

changed his mind?” Florence

I’ll buy it. At least I think

You’re definitely getting all your

saving grace

not a small amount! Do you even have that

don’t, but

who was

was stunned. She rolled her

do such

money? This is extremely important to

your five million dollars. You

couldn’t refuse.

five million dollars was not a lot



Julie couldn’t help but laugh. “Dustin! You really

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Chapter 124

you still insisted on buying

otherwise we’d make such

amazing!” James laughed mockingly


would you guys know that this is a piece of trash?”

you blind? Can’t you see? It’s wilted! If

my eyes, it’s a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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