Chapter 2267

After the referee signaled the start of the round, the crowd was cheering and rallying enthusiastically. Most were rooting for Thaddeus due to his formidable strength and put off by Dalen's appearance.

"Kid, you should just give up now," Thaddeus said while sipping his drink. ” Otherwise, you're going to end up with broken limbs once the fight starts."

He didn't take Dalen, a guy in his 20s, seriously at all. Thaddeus' goal was to defeat the top contenders in Group A. To him, the elites in Group B were just stepping stones.

"Father Savier, isn't it inappropriate for a priest to enter a battle ring against younger opponents?" Dalen smiled and lightly waved his folding fan.

"What's wrong with that?" Thaddeus countered. "Priests are human too, with the same emotions and desires as anyone else. Those you see claiming to be above it all are just hypocrites.

"Sure, they act pious, but who knows what they're up to in private? At least I'm honest about my desires. Like they say, 'live life to the fullest."’

"I don't agree with your view." Dalen shook his head and smiled. "Weren't you once a devoted priest before you broke your vows?"

spiritual training. Only a major provocation

clearly. I used to be naive and too

awakened to this realization. I'm living comfortably and enjoying life. Life is short. So, why

you have forsaken asceticism for

as sharp as ever. If you

learn from you today," Dalen said

Have it your

swig, and spat a mouthful of liquor in Dalen’s

erupted from the liquor. It swirled like a living creature and transformed into a flaming red dragon

or flinch. Instead, he calmly raised his folding fan and waved

air with razorsharp blades that tore the flaming dragon into pieces. The

in a draw, with neither gaining the upper

eyebrow in surprise as he watched Dalen neutralize the flaming dragon he had

swig of his liquor, then spewed another

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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