Chapter 943

The crowd began whispering when they heard what Dustin said. Some of them were shocked, while others had their doubts. But most of them did not believe him.

“Nonsense! My father had been upright and honest his whole life!

“How could he have done such a horrible thing?” Torben bellowed.

“I’m warning you, Dustin! You better not spout such nonsense around!”

Spring’s expression was dark. “You murdered my father, and now you’re dragging my brother through the mud! What malicious intentions you have!”

“Let Autumn tell you what he’s done. Then you’ll know if I’m slandering him.”

Dustin pulled out the wad of cloth shoved in Autumn’s mouth. Then, he kicked him.

“Go on, tell them what happened last night.”

Quick!” Autumn immediately began yelling

out my entire family if I did not take the blame for him! Spring, you have to

How dare

He was just about to slap Autumn when Dustin stopped

if they were to get

scoundrel! Release my brother at

I’ll burn down this god damned lodge!” Torben echoed

him! Release

chanting and

had Dustin killed Sir Paul, he even captured Autumn to be

behavior was dreadful!

karma indeed!” The Jade Maiden Sisterhood were

out of breath from laughing

this point, Dustin did not seem to have

was a grandmaster? He had no way out with so many leaders of


Haven’t I

me, you won’t have to die.

sniggered. “Look

your telivie decisTON!

enemy of the ente mai di Wu!

Are you regretting your decision? Do you feel


people from the martial world are on my side. Whatever I say

murderer, then you’re the murderer. No matter how much you struggle, you won’t be able to change

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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