
Suddenly, the lion roared.

The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the whole place, deafening.

The key point is that the sound coming from his mouth does not sound like a human voice, but more like an animal roar.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene happened.

The lion’s physique suddenly began to swell, and the muscles all over his body bulged, bursting through the ragged clothes and shoes under his feet.


The lion roared again.

Its limbs were propped on the ground, its back was bulging high, and thick and hard black hair began to grow on the surface of its skin.

In just a few breaths, these black hairs spread all over the body.

At first glance, the lion looks like a huge black bear!

Not only that, as the black hair grows, the lion’s facial features are also undergoing tremendous changes.

area below its eyes began to protrude outwards rapidly, and

and feet also grew into


third time, the whole person had completely transformed into

like a wolf but not a wolf. It looked ugly but fierce,

it makes

this… what

a good person suddenly turn into

at all, he

fitness, how can he transform directly into


shocked all the warriors and left them with chills

could turn into a huge beast in

It’s so scary!

it! No matter if he is a human or a monster, let’s all come together and kill him

long sword and

words didn’t get

powerful in his human form. Now that he has transformed into a beast, who knows how terrifying it

there was little support, the warrior’s shouts successfully


again and kicked off

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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