“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Three ice needles pierced the night sky, carrying a strong air of extreme cold, and pierced Dustin’s upper, middle and lower key points respectively.


Dustin frowned and immediately put away his sword to block.

“Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!”

Three ice needles hit the sword and instantly exploded into clouds of ice mist.

The moment it came into contact with the ice mist, the sword in Dustin’s hand was directly frozen.

At the same time, a strong cold air began to spread quickly to Dustin’s arm along the frozen sword body.

In the blink of an eye, Dustin’s arm holding the sword was already frozen by the cold air.

“Ice Needle?”

the Xuanqing Qi in

blasted away, and cracks

Dustin’s body shaking, the ice cubes on his arms quickly

directly, otherwise once the ice needle enters the body, it will quickly destroy the

will be severely damaged in

he is not strong enough, he will die on the spot and turn into an ice

person who made the sneak attack was looking for his

paying attention to the beastly lion,

figure running towards me at a high speed on

air like a


gorgeously, his eyes were as

you?” Dustin asked

white-haired old man Zhao Shanhe stood with his

Shanhe?” Dustin narrowed his eyes

has naturally heard of

Great Elders of the Tianxiahui, whose status is second only to the sect leader Xiao Wuming, are the pillars of the

personality, a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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