Chapter 712

Thrown off by the sudden slap, Julian held his burning cheek with his hand in disbelief. No one had ever dared to hit him all his life, so it took some time for the fact to settle in with him.

Florence and the rest of them exchanged looks between themselves and stared with bewilderment. Dustin was too bold to slap the eldest legitimate grandson of the Nicholson family! “You… How dare you slap me?” When Julian finally came to his senses, his expression was dark, and his gaze looked like he could murder them at any moment.

“Yes, I’ve slapped you. So what? You speak so arrogantly. Did you think you didn’t deserve that?” Dustin countered calmly.

“You impudent bastard! Get him!” Julian bellowed.

“Yes, sir!” The bodyguards pulled out their weapons and charged toward Dustin.

But before they even managed to lay a finger on him, Dustin kicked each of them and sent them all sprawling to the ground. Just like that, the fight was over.

he stumbled backward. They were the most well-trained bodyguards the Nicholson family had’ And Dustin managed to wipe them all out single-handedly? It was clear that he was

like civilized adults?” Dustin

you know what you’ve done? You’re blatantly challenging the Nicholson family!”

properly. If you do not wish to do so, I’ll just dispose of the medicine as I see fit.” Dustin had had

gritted his teeth. But in the end, he swallowed his

conditions. If you agree to my conditions,

Julian asked

want you to mean

the Nicholson family, the one who should have been the rightful heir. It was embarrassing for him to apologize

bottle in his hand. “Now, will you do it?”

his eyes still burned with rage. But for his grandmother’s sake, he complied and went up to Dahlia

and Florence were all astonished by Julian’s actions. They had never imagined that Dustin would be able to deliver what he had said earlier on. He had indeed succeeded in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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