Chapter 718

“Achoo!” Dustin, who had finally wormed his way out of his predicament with Dahlia, began sneezing the moment he got back to the Flame Dragon Dojo. He wondered if someone was bad- mouthing him behind his back.

“Sir!” Right then, someone called out to him. Dustin looked up to see Abigail standing up from her seat, waving excitedly at him. It looked like she had been waiting for quite a while.

“My apologies, I was caught up with something else earlier on, that’s why I’m late.” Dustin walked up to her with a smile on his face.

“That’s alright, I just got here too.” Abigail wasn’t bothered by it.

“Oh, right, where’s your father?” Dustin looked around but did not see Michael.

“Dad ran into some urgent matters he had to handle, so he can’t make it here. He told me to come here myself. Also, he wanted me to pass this letter to you.” Abigail pulled out a letter and handed it to Dustin.

Dustin opened the envelope and found two objects in it. One was a neatly folded letter, and another was a gold pendant with an ‘R’ engraved on it. After going through the letter, Dustin was certain that Mr. Robinson would not be returning any time soon.

“What did Dad say in the letter, Sir?” Abigail’s curiosity got the better of her.

“Your dad said that he needs to go away for a long time. Probably as long as half a year. But if things get settled quickly, he might be able to come back after a month. He says that you should pay attention to your martial arts training and practice well.” After a slight pause, Dustin continued, “Also, if we were to run into any issues, we can go to Ronald Reeds with this pendant, and he’ll help us out. He’s got a deep friendship with your father.”

“Ronald Reeds? Who’s that? Is he really powerful?” Abigail scratched her head, wondering.

“Ronald Reeds is one of the five ultimate grandmasters of Balerno. Do you think he’s powerful?” Dustin smiled.

“One of the five ultimate grandmasters? Of course, he is!” Abigail’s eyes lit up.

“Consider this a good luck charm from your father. Keep it well. Make sure you don’t ever lose it.” Dustin handed the gold pendant to her. The value of a token from a grandmaster was priceless.

pendant is a gift from my father to you; you should

no use for it. Since you’re going to be my student anyway. I’ll give it back to you. Now, you hold on to it.” With that, Dustin stuffed

him, and then, standing on

mentor now! Watch your manners!” Dustin tried

stuck her tongue out

smartly dressed middle-aged man who was slightly paunchy made his

word were to get out that she had traveled such a distance to Millsburg just for a man, it would create a significant

slightly jealous. Scarlet was a gorgeous fighter who was beyond everyone’s reach. To be able to get Scarlet’s attention was something worth boasting about. Dylan

peak of their youth. The young girl leaned on the boy’s shoulder, a hint of a smile replacing her usual aloof expression. Looking at the pair of youths in the photo, a look of melancholy

gazing at the photograph for a moment, she pressed it to her chest and sighed. “Where are you, Logan? I’ve been searching

Dustin, who had finally wormed his way out of his predicament with Dahlia, began sneezing the moment he got back to

someone called out to him. Dustin looked up to see Abigail standing up from her seat, waving excitedly at him. It looked like she had been waiting

that’s why I’m late.” Dustin walked up to her with

too.” Abigail

right, where’s your father?” Dustin looked around

into some urgent matters he had to handle, so he can’t make it here. He told me to come here myself. Also, he wanted me to pass this letter to you.” Abigail pulled out a letter and handed it to Dustin.

neatly folded letter, and another was a gold pendant with an ‘R’ engraved on it. After going through the letter, Dustin was certain that Mr. Robinson would not

in the letter, Sir?” Abigail’s curiosity got

pay attention to your martial

Who’s that? Is he really powerful?” Abigail

grandmasters of

Of course, he is!” Abigail’s

well. Make sure you don’t ever lose it. Dustin handed the gold pendant to

is a gift from my father to you, you should have it.” Abigail quickly decided against taking it.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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