Chapter 705

Dahlia thought that would be enough to change Alma's mind. However, in the end, instead of watching the video, Alma threw the phone on the ground. She stomped on the phone hard, shattering it completely.

"The evidence is gone now," Alma said impassively.

Dahlia and the others' expressions darkened instantly upon witnessing the scene. How could she openly destroy the evidence to cover up for the murderer? Where was justice in this?

"Madam Alma, what do you mean by this?" Dahlia frowned.

"You saw everything. Is there a problem?" Alma asked with a scrutinizing expression.

"If you insist on doing this, then I'll have to report it to Grandpa Regulus." Dahlia's expression was frosty.

using the patriarch's name to threaten me?"

has appointed my daughter as his successor, and she will rise as the new matriarch of the Nicholson family

said so?" Alma looked at them with

Regulus said so himself. If you don't believe us, you can call and ask him yourself!" Florence

now.’ Alma continued impassively, "Last night, Regulus suffered from a brain ailment. His condition is critical. He is

A coma?" The sudden news left everyone in

Dahlia exclaimed in astonishment. When Regulus called last night, he sounded strong and energetic, not like someone

led to exhaustion, he fell ill. As a result, I am now in charge of the family's affairs.

Florence and Julie exchanged glances, both at a loss

expression gloomy. They were just celebrating her promotion not long ago, but now, everything had changed in a blink of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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