Chapter 700

“My ears hurt.” Dustin’s expression turned frosty. Without hesitation, he sent Niles flying with a brutal kick.

“What?” Nelson and their men were dumbfounded at the sight. Hank couldn’t believe his eyes either, and he momentarily forgot about his pain. Nobody expected Dustin to act so ruthlessly without uttering a single word

He had just kicked the Killian family’s butler and a prominent figure from Stonia! One simple word from him could end their entire lives. Most importantly, the butler represented the Killians. Humiliating their butler was akin to humiliating the family themselves. How could Dustin be so daring and seemingly unconcerned about his own life?

“Y–you… You dared harm Mr. Niles? Do you know what you just did?” Hank was scared and furious as he cried out.

“He’s just the Killians‘ servant. What’s the big deal?” Dustin turned his attention back to Hank and warned coldly, “You, on the other hand, will be in big trouble if you don’t start talking.

spine. He was genuinely terrified at that moment To him, Dustin seemed like a madman for daring to

his limbs,” Dustin ordered once

sir!” Nelson grinned as he raised

was terrified and

a whoosh, slicing Hank’s hand off Hank’s

words were cut off by the intensity of the pain, and he lost consciousness. “Lightly bandage up his wound. We’re heading to Nicholson Corp.,

Hank out after wrapping

sharp gaze noticed the safe on the table. After they opened it up, they saw a

picked it up and brought it to his nose. After a sniff, his expression betrayed his surprise. “I didn’t expect it to

What is that?” Nelson

and energized feeling. They won’t even feel any more pain. It’s effective in treating

it really that amazing?” Nelson’s

it is still poison after all. One will get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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