Chapter 727

Right then, many of them began showing signs of poisoning. Some felt dizzy, and others experienced severe abdominal pain. Some even had cramps.

Although their symptoms were different, it would affect their production of the medicinal pill. But giving up was not an option. They could only grit their teeth and continue.

“Who do you think will be number one today, Dr. Watkins?” an elder with a white beard asked.

“Preston and Miranda are performing well and gifted in the medical field, so they are considered geniuses. But I think the young man will do better.” Linden looked at Dustin.

“Him?” The elder followed and looked at Dustin too

Then, he asked, curious, “But Dr. Watkins, he’s a nobody. Maybe he was lucky in the previous round. He’s still not on the same level as Preston and Miranda.”

No matter their family background, talents, or medical accomplishments, they were not on the same level. And Dustin’s good luck would not change anything.

“Hahaha… We’ll find out soon enough.” Linden smiled and said nothing else. He sat and watched. He refused to believe that someone who could see through his plans was just a nobody.

After a moment, an explosion was

when he made a mistake. The

all over


him away!” The invigilator waved his hand, and several members of the Stoneray Order moved




person was carried away, several others had their furnaces

the pressure they were under to save themselves. Some burnt

number of people who were eliminated

there were still 30 minutes left, Preston shouted as he showed the

taken from

at his pill. Then he praised. “Not bad, you have indeed produced a Curax And it is

good quality Curax?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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