Chapter 732

“His toe moved!”

“Oh, my God! It worked! That’s amazing!”

“No wonder he’s Dr. Darby’s best student!”

Everyone was shocked to see the old man’s toe twitch. After all, doctors must be highly skilled and talented if they wanted to pass the third test.

Yet all the other doctors had failed to treat the old man. On the other hand, Preston managed to

make the old man’s toes twitch when his legs had been paralyzed for the last eight years.

It was amazing!

feel, sir?” Preston removed his

feel my legs again!” The old man was overjoyed. Since he lost all sensations in his legs, nothing he did could make them react

numb, and he could even control some of his toes. Although the results were just small changes, it was still a miracle for someone who

eight years.

recover. But don’t worry, I just have to treat you for another month, and

much! You’re incredible!”

was an easy task,” Preston

patient, Preston was willing to use something as valuable as Tigarius. So, it was impossible for


sensation in his legs in such a short time. That’s impressive. You have passed the test!” The invigilator nodded in

three tests while others failed showed how good Preston’s skills

Let’s show that person how powerful Asclepia

at alchemy? He would

and even witchcraft The gap between the two of them was as clear as day

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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