Chapter 734

“What?” Everyone was shocked to see the old man jump up, and their jaws dropped in disbelief.

None of them expected the paralyzed old man to stand up so suddenly. They also couldn’t believe that it had only taken Dustin a single needle to cure the man’s paralysis.

“I-Is this real? Did that old man just stand up?”

“What the hell is going on? Did he really cure that old man with a single needle?”

“Holy shit! That’s amazing!”

After a silent pause, an uproar broke out. All the scornful looks Dustin had received earlier had

turned to shock.


so soon?” Preston shook his head, not believing what he was. He refused to accept

did he

destroyed by Dustin.

is he? How is he so good?” The

down on Dustin earlier, he was now completely amazed by the other

worship Dustin if they

“H-he’s a genius!”

we can convince him to join us!” The elders of the group. were excited. They had yet to have someone as

young age. He must be a monster.” Linden looked at


have seemed simple, but

like he only once inserted the needle into the old man’s pressure point. But Dustin had already

for everyone.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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