Chapter 753

“George’s adjutant? What is he doing here?” Caius was taken by surprise.

“I don’t know,” the prison guard said, lowering his head.

“Alright, let him in,” Caius said, gesturing.

“Yes,” the prison guard answered before leaving quickly. After a moment, he brought a man in a gray shirt in

“Hello, Mr. Roswell,” the man in the gray shirt greeted politely as soon as he entered.

He knew the man before him wasn’t just an ordinary warden; he was extremely powerful and had a wide network. Even his viceroy listened to him.

“What’s the matter?” Caius crossed his legs.

“On order of Lord Xenos, I’d like to ask you to release a person.” The man in the gray shirt bowed his head.

“Release a person? Who?” Caius asked.

A young man named Dustin Rhys,” the man replied without beating around the bush.

Caius narrowed

but I can’t give him to you. No one walks out

exception. After the deal is done, Lord

disregard the rules of Azkaban. Go back and

Roswell, rules are inflexible,

Caius interrupted him, “What, you’re asking me to break the rules knowingly? If this

man was at a loss for

the highest authority. However, Akzaban was governed by the Ministry of Penalties

there was no need to challenge the Ministry

in. He said

broken in’”

is brave enough to do a jailbreak

Our men outside can’t hold her off!”

even defeat a woman. Send the eight aces


With that, the prison officer ran

minutes later, a series

few holes suddenly appeared in the office ceiling. At the same time, a few figures suddenly dropped in from above, crashing heavily on

and chairs broke into pieces. Dust and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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