Chapter 757

“Of course! Since they are your friends, they must be righteous people!” Caius flattered Dustin.

Then, he waved his hand and ordered, “Release them!”

One after the other, the chains made of darksteel were unshackled. It seemed like a dream. Everyone was in disbelief.

They had thought they would spend their entire lives trapped in Azkaban. They never imagined that they would see the light of day again.

The prisoners felt extremely fortunate.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Roswell!” Cornelius and the rest of the group thanked him.

“You should be thanking Sir Rhys.” Caius played smart.

“Thank you very much, Sir Rhys!”

down profoundly. Tears of happiness welled up in their eyes. At that moment,

I can’t just leave all of you here to suffer. Let’s go out together.” With a gentle smile,

had only spent a short time together, but

lled those who



evening when they reached the surface. With the sun setting

the iron gates. He took only a few steps when

red attire, three-foot viridescent sword, and a naturally cold yet captivatingly beautiful face left Dustin stunned. Memories from his past

that woman? She looks

you see the

a general. That’s

A female God of War? Does such a person exist in

my God! Could that be the

who had just walked

had spread far and wide. She was an enemy of many

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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