Chapter 309

“Brody!” The crowd jumped in shock and anger when Brody was sent flying by Maximus’ punch. Never had they imagined Maximus to wield such power after his core was destroyed.

“H-how dare you hit me?” Brody said spitefully, pressing against his chest, which was throbbing with excruciating pain. The audacity of someone excommunicated, a good-for-nothing to lay a finger on him!

lady in white. He soothed her affectionately, “Caitlyn, don’t you worry. I won’t let anyone bully you when I’m around. I’ll protect you even if I have to risk

doing?” Her expression fell as she slowly stumbled away

shall we? We can leave Balerno for a place where no one knows us. How does that sound?” He looked at her with anticipation. Although he was no match for Luther, he could

are you crazy? I’m Luther’s woman now.” Caitlyn frowned at

you were forced into it. You don’t like him at all, do you? Just give me a nod, and I’ll immediately take you with

her an adamant shake of

difficult situation? Fret not. I will do my

do you still not get it?

surprise, and his eyes widened

inhaled deeply and explained without much emotion, “I had only agreed to the engagement because of your status. I need someone

you loved me and you’d marry me! Were you lying to me all along

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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