Chapter 442

‘he crowd was stunned to see the owner frantically apologizing to Dustin. They all gaped at Dustin, jaws Iropped in disbelief.

‘en million dollars had accidentally turned into 100 million dollars, and the transaction was successful?

How much money was on that card?

lo one could laugh anymore. Instead, their eyes were full of shock and envy as they stared at Dustin, who had asily paid what ordinary families couldn’t even earn after generations.

He was the true tycoon!

T–that’s impossible!” After getting over his shock, Mike’s reaction turned into disbelief. “Did you make a nistake, sir? There’s no way this guy could have so much money!”

shabbily dressed

It has to be fake. There’s no way anyone would carry 100 million dollars around!” Nina voiced her suspicions as well, Although none

The owner humphed and slapped the bill onto the


“l–it’s real?”

those who had their doubts were astonished. With the

much money?” Abigail asked in awe. Ten million dollars was shocking enough, much less

course. How else?” Dustin

do you do to earn that much?” Abigail became even more

treat wealthy people, so it shouldn’t be surprising.

“I see

pondered if she

refund you immediately,” the owner kept apologizing. There was no way he could afford to offend someone who had over 100 million dollars. Anyone

responded with a nod before turning his attention to Chubster. “Hey, Chubster! I don’t have ten million dollars.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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